chapter nineteen

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The flashing screen on my camera catches my attention.

'Memory card full'

I run upstairs knowing a bag in Daniel's room has some empty memory cards. I hear chattering coming from one of the rooms upstairs, as I get closer to Daniel's room it gets louder, when I enter it stops. Two people in peripheral vision catch my eye. I stand there for a second, then run out needing to go downstairs. 

Was that really who I thought it was? Was it Aspen and Daniel? Was it really them? A million thoughts running through my brain. I hear a door slam, I turn around hearing heels on the hardwood floor, seeing the small figure walking towards me.
"O-ohh." She says smiling. I stop as she walks down the stairs as if nothing happend. I follow her, being stoped by a hand on my shoulder. I turn seeing Daniel's bright blue eyes piercing sorrily into mine. I act as if I'd seen nothing, telling him I need to go. I walk over to Yaz who was attached to Jack like a shadow in the the bright sun. Pulling her away I walk her towards the door opening it seeing my car in the driveway.

"Where are we going?" Yaz says nearly screaming over the loud music inside the house. 
"We're going home." I answer.
"Because." I say angrily. She stops me from walking, looking at me.
"What happend?" She says serious.
"Daniel and Aspen." I stop. "They were..." I continue. Yaz instantly runs inside, I follow her standing outside right on the door frame, leaning on the edge of the open door. She runs towards Jack, grabbing him by his wrist. His face turns red, his mouth opens a little, he looks up at the stairs followed by Yaz. I look up too seeing 2 legs, covered by black jean, a pair of hands griped around the metal railing connected to the glass on the stairs. Jack runs up the stairs to him as Yaz walks towards me, closing the door behind her.


I wake up to the buzzing of my phone next to me. Looking at the caller ID I flop back into the carved out space on my bed where is wasn't taken up by cloths. I let the buzzes finish before picking up the phone. 


The phone says buzzing again. I throw it next to me getting up. I walk down the stairs grabbing the bus keys on the glass table next to the door. I press the button opening the door on the bottom of the bus where all but 3 suitcases lay by themselves. I pick up mine, pulling its weight from the bus, setting it down before slamming the door shut. As I open the door I set the keys back down on the table, being careful not to wake anyone in the house. The light tun on and Harley walks towards me with a coffee in his hands.

"Whacha doing?" He asks, waiting for an answer he already knew.
"I went out to get my suitcase." I tell him.
"You're leaving tomorrow. Why would you bring it back into the house?" He asks confusingly.
"I'm not going anymore, you're here. Mom will let me stay." I say back to him.
"What about your boyfriend." He asks.
"What about him." I say raising my voice angrily.
"WOW, What happend?" He says, ready to fight.
"Nothing" I say calmly, of course faking.

I run up the stairs closing the door behind me. Looking down at Yazmine on the air mattress next to my bed, peacefully asleep. I set the suitcase down, unzipping it and transferring some of the cloths into a black backpack on other side of the bed. I throw on a jumper and some jeans from inside the suitcase. Making sure to put my phone and watch charger in the front pocket, I go to the bathroom grabbing my toothbrush and paste from the packed toiletries bag. Spotting a sticky note pad on my desk I grab a pen from the holder in front of me.

I know you'll worry but I'll be back. Just ring me if you need me. And you're the new photographer.
P.S. Don't tell Daniel, or Mom that you can call me.
Hailey <3 

I walk outside my bedroom making sure everyone was asleep and in their rooms. I make my way downstairs, planting the pre-written sticky note on the fridge.

Mom, Harley and Hayden,
I'm sorry but I need time alone. I'll be back in 3-7 days. Mom you don't need to stay home, go back on tour and do your job. I want Yaz to fill in for me, she's a great photographer.

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