I nearly dropped the plate of rolls in my hand as she spoke. She was asking me out. Like a date.

No woman had ever asked me out. They made their objectives clear so most of the time we ended up just fucking and parting ways until a next time.

Dating was never my thing and I had never had a steady relationship. This was the stages of my relationships:

1) Meet – at this stage we converse get a feel of what we want from each other.
2) Tease – What's sex without a little foreplay? Getting each other excited for the dance with no pants.
3) Fuck – self-explanatory.
4) Ditch – get the hell out of there after the deed is done and pray she isn't the clingy type.

After the fun was over no use sticking around or having them around. Many would say I was a heartless, man whore, a pig but they had all agreed to the terms of the relationship so all the blame shouldn't be placed on the guy. A one night stand or no strings attached sex were called those because afterwards the two individuals can act as strangers – as if nothing happened without feeling a way about it. That was what most females failed to understand.

"Cupcake I'm not so sur–"

"Please, I need company all these up stuck millionaire wives are getting to me. I swear if I hear another complaint about their men's absence I'll advise cutting off their dicks and gluing it to a wall to fulfil their urges," she groaned.

"Well then that's quite a suggestion," I said scratching behind my head. "You are quite an imaginative one."

"That I am," she purred. "And I'm damn proud of it. A woman with a powerful mind is one to treasure."

Damn just the sound of her voice has my dick giving a standing ovation ... I'm fucking worse than a hormonal teen.

I popped a piece of bacon in my mouth as she chuckled. My stomach moaned in gratitude as the piece of bacon slipped into my stomach, I hadn't eaten in nine hours.

"Well what do you say?" she asked in a playful voice.

"Does a spider inject poison into its prey before feasting on it?"

"Um..." she pondered.

"Yes, it does Cupcake," I chuckled.

"I knew that but I was trying to understand why you asked it," she replied.

"It's one of those factual questions where the answer is yes and its answer equivalent to your answer."

"I love it when you talk smart, it's sexy," she purred.

Damn this female. Is it wrong that I'm immensely turned on right now?

"Okay, here's another, Cupcake. Does Leo DiCaprio die in Titanic?"

"Yes," she chuckled and I smiled at the sound. "I'll be there in an hour so make yourself decent or not. I don't mind. Toodles."

She hung up and I was stuck in my kitchen wondering... How the fuck did she make Toodles sound sexy?


"Hey," she said as I opened the door.

She was in a jeans jumper, which she paired with a white mini top with a kiss emoji on it and a pair of black and white converse.

"Hey Cupcake," I said as I tussled my hair.

I was in a grey T-shirt with black shorts and grey Vans. After scheduling this picnic with Dyan I had finished my breakfast, read through six more experiment reports, showered and got dressed all in one hour.

Dyan had her hair in two high bun looking things, which made her look like a Japanese. She looked kawaii.

"Hello," an annoying voice popped into the conversation and my smile turned to a grimace.

Ethan came into my range of vision with a smug look on his face. His blonde hair was wild as were his green vibrate eyes. He was in a green Ben 10 shirt with light khaki shorts and a pair of grey converse.

"He kinda tagged along with me when he saw the basket of food. He was just sitting around bored and I couldn't say no to his little puppy eyes," Dyan piped up with a caring smile as she positioned the basket on her arm. "I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not," I said glaring at Ethan who smiled cheekily.

"Let me," I said as I took the basket from her after locking my house door.

We walked down the green, grassy lawn, Dyan was chasing after Ethan who wanted to race to the picnic site while I trod after then slowly.

Maybe Ethan coming along wasn't so bad. There was no telling what trouble Dyan and I could get into. To be honest the guard I placed up to repulse her affection was shedding away each day. It was like Exfoliation, the layers of my shield were peeling away because she was relieving my emotional burdens causing pressure to be released and as such, my layers started to peel.

Dyan wasn't like all the other women I fucked. She appealed to that possessive side of me. I had never once claimed some to be mine. To me, they were mere fucks and nothing more but Dyan, she was strong going through so much drama in her past yet stand here looking like those demons didn't affect her. Like they weren't tearing at her heart drawing the tears of loneliness.

"We're here! I win!" Dyan yelled as she stuck her tongue out at Ethan who was sulking beside her.

The sunlight shone on her sparkling on the sweat beading her forehead and limbs. She smiled at me sheepishly before proceeding to the shade a nearby tree provided.

We decided to have the picnic there and laid out the cloth before the food. Water ripples beside us and the sound piqued Ethan's interest.

"What's that?" he asked referring to the sound.

"Well that is the most beautiful artificial spring on this land," Dyan replied after munching on a corn beef sandwich. "Do you know that this island was dumped up?"

Ethan nodded.

"Well, the water sources here are all artificial with exception of the sea. Artificial meaning pipelines are the source of the rivers, springs and ponds, etc. That spring you hear is the Claus spring. Nicalus had it specifically made for this land rivalling all the others. It is said that it's hard to tell that it's fake." Dyan said with a teasing smile before popping a cherry in her mouth.

Ethan's eyes widened in excitement. "Can I go look at it?"

Dyan looked at him pondering for a moment. "Sure kiddo just don't go in the water or too far in the woodland."

"Okay, I won't," he said as he dashed off.

"He's one hyperactive kid," she mused.

"That he is," I said as I drank a glass of red wine.

"You know," she said as she scooted closer. "They say if you can tie a knot with a cherry stem you are a good kisser."

"Yes I do," I replied. "Why?"

She stuck her tongue out showing me the knotted stem as she climbed on my lap. I tensed as her legs trap me and her hands grabbed my shoulders. She discarded the stem smiling at me as her hands ran through my hair. I purred at the feeling and she smiled in content. Her breasts pressed against my chest allowing me to feel her hardened nipples against it and a certain part of me rose to the feel.

She moved her hands down my shoulders and my hands moved to her waist rubbing it soothingly. She shivered and a smirk crossed her lips. She tilted her head licking her lips as she grinded on my lap teasingly. I groan in arousal. She trailed my chest and arm with her fingers and I tensed as it went lower towards my crotch before rising back to my chest.

Such a fucking tease!

"Want to test that theory?" she asked teasingly as she moved her lips close to mine and I lick her lips. So fucking much.

She momentarily closed her eyes and I sighed. My layers have peeled away. "I think we should."

...and with that, no protests were made as she showed me her expertise in kissing which I missed so much.

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