I'm not sure what happened while Damien and her were away but she was concerned, compassionate, much kinder ...

Like a Queen.

I closed my eyes. I could still see the glee in the Dark-Haired Man's eyes as he squeezed. It was still terrifying. I took a breath. "Nothing. I had a dream and woke up with - this."

I was too tired to explain everything. The previous night I didn't have much sleep either. Dad burst into my room after I woke from my nightmare in the middle of the night with a bat scared out of his mind because of my screaming.

I couldn't remember what the dream was about only that I woke from it a sweating, screaming mess.

Leah shook her head. "You need to tell Damien, Emmy. Look at you. You're shaking. You're on the verge of tears."

I touched the corners of my eyes. She was right, I felt the tears there. I sniffled and took a breath. "I will tell him. Just after the party, I don't want to ruin anything for the two of you."

She didn't look convinced and was reaching toward her phone when I grabbed her hand and looked at her in the eye. "I promise."

Leah didn't argue once Mia was back in the room. She turned the other persona back on - the public one I'd seen before and smiled at Mia. She took a drink from the water and handed it back to her friend. "Thank you."

Leah gave me a definite look letting me know she wasn't letting me off the hook. She continued to do my makeup and hair and once satisfied we left.

The club was in the downtown area of the larger metropolis over an hour from our own little city. Mia drove with Leah the passenger. They sang loudly to the latest hits, while I sat in the backseat on my phone, not knowing any of the lyrics.

We eventually made it and I, again, regretted being there. People crowded the entrance and a large line snaked around the building. The beat of the music inside pulsed through the night and out to the parking lot. It got louder as we approached already giving me anxiety.

Mia groaned and stomped loudly through the parking lot as we approached the entrance. "Ugh! Look at this line! Is everyone already inside?"

Leah nodded but didn't tear her gaze away from the phone she held firmly in both her hands. "Yeah, they texted me earlier. And don't worry about the line."

Mia scoffed. "Yeah, right," sarcasm dripped in her voice. "You all of a sudden can skip the line?"

Leah gave a mischievous smiled. "Follow my lead."

The lights flashed in different colors casting shadows on the freshly rained ground. As we walked up to the entrance, I already knew what Leah was going to do.

The bouncer at the door ID'd the front of the line before he let them in. Leah strolled up to him and gently touched his burly shoulder. She whispered something in his ear then looked at us.

The large man smiled and nodded as Leah spoke in his ear. After several seconds, he opened the velvet rope dividing us then held the door open.

Mia stared in amazement while I laughed to myself.


Of course, she was using magic.

He bowed magnificently in front of Leah. "My Queen, please enter."

Leah and Mia giggled as they made their way inside. I followed sheepishly, incredibly uncomfortable at the stares and cursing that erupted from the line trying to enter the club.

I regretted my decision to join them for a third time that evening as I entered the club. It was too obnoxiously loud.

Mia grabbed my hand. "Come on," she screamed over the pounding music. "Don't get lost, Leah tends to move fast at these places."

I followed obediently and was led to the second floor where Mia questioned Leah. "What are we doing up here?"

Leah giggled and stopped before what looked like a private room. "Did I mention that my fiancé is filthy rich?"

Mia laughed as Leah opened the door and entered.

It was a private room that overlooked the crowd dancing below. It had its own bar with a bartender, couches for lounging and small dance floor. There were other girls there that I recognized from college that cheered as soon as Leah showed up.

I knew them, they never hung out with Leah. I started questioning what they were doing there when Damien appeared next to me.

I turned to him, surprised that he was bold enough to appear in the middle of the club.  I panicked. It couldn't be a good thing that Damien was there. My hand went to my neck. Had Leah told him? Had something happened?

He noticed and he laughed, "Relax, I took the stairs."


I cringed at the sudden mention of his name. It wasn't used to someone else calling him. After so many years of being a secret from so many people, it would take some getting used to.

Leah bounded towards him and I watched all of the girls almost gasp in unison as they noticed him at the door.

Mia was the first to speak, "Well, crap. Where can I get one?"

Friends with the King of the Underworld | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now