Loving and Longing

Start from the beginning

Wow, whatever this thing is, it's a lot worse than we thought. And Buffy and Faith are going to go out and fight this thing?

I hug Faith a little tighter to me at the thought I just had.

I don't think I like the idea of that. One of them could get seriously hurt, or worse.

Faith looks at me and cups my cheek comfortingly with one hand.

"It's all right Dawn. There's nothing to worry about."

She pulls me into a hug tightly and it makes me feel a little better. We pull back after a minute.

"Everything is gonna be fine babe..."

Faith turns her head to where Buffy is standing.

"Right B?"

I look at my sister, standing a couple feet away, the sling still on her arm as she smiles.


That would've been a lot more convincing if Buffy wasn't wearing her sling.

"We were already planning on being careful around this thing when we went out hunting for it. So now all we have to do is be even more careful. Maybe bring a few more of the girls with us. We should step up their training too don't you think Faith?"

My girlfriend nods at Buffy's question.

"Probably a good plan, we want them in top fighting form when we go up against this thing. We should probably start tomorrow with some serious attack drills."

"That's exactly what was thinking."

Faith turns her attention back to me again.

"See DK, everything's going to be fine. We'll kill this demon, just like any other and we'll be okay."

I hope that they're right, but that's not gonna stop me from worrying.

"All right..."

She smiles at me with concern and kisses me sweetly.

What about tonight though? I don't like the idea of Faith going home alone.

"What about tonight?"

Both my sister and my girlfriend look at me, wondering what I mean.


"Well I... I think you should stay here tonight. With me."

Again Faith smiles, but this time it's less concerned and more, happy.

"I'll be fine Dawn."

"But, you could get hurt if you go out there."

"Probably, but you could say that about most nights I go out there."

She tries to step back from our embrace but I hold her tightly and don't let go.

"Yeah but this time is different. You heard what Giles said, this demon doesn't usually go around attacking people for no reason. If it attacked you on patrol, it might be you it's after."

My girlfriend takes my hands from around her waist and pulls them off me. She holds them between us lovingly.

"Dawn... I love that you're worried about me so much, but nothing's going to happen to me. I'll be just fine on my own."

That's not good enough.

I let go of her hands.

"No, I want you to stay here tonight. So you're going to. You can stay in my room with me."

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