Author Note/Prologue

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Hello my lovelies and welcome to a brand new story! With Halloween (regrettably) over and the Christmas season upon us (since it's finally cooled down as well lol), I am gifting all my lovely readers with a Christmas story based off The Santa Clause 1,2,&3 and starring our favorite elf, Bernard the Head Elf. Enjoy the story my lovelies and I will do my best to get it down before summer.
(But I make no promises mwahahahaha!!!)

Isn't it strange how one small action can alter the course of your entire life? That you could wake up in the middle of the night and bam! you become an entirely different person? That you could say hi to someone and they could turn out to be the love of your life?
That's just how it turned out in the lives of the Calvin's and Bernard the Head Elf. One small decision to put on the coat of Santa Claus turned into an entirely different life. And that, my dears, is what our story is about...

Short! Yes I know. But the story will get better as we go...

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