Chapter Eighteen - Part One

Start from the beginning

“Just spit out, cupcake.”

“I’m betting you haven’t taken off that ring since last night, and I say this, because I know you lied about being in love. So you should probably know that in order to break the curse, you have to be kissed by someone you love who also loves you. More specifically, that means it can’t be your best friend. Or your mother.”

I didn’t have to say aloud that Ethan had admitted he didn’t love her. There would be no gain in that except causing her further, unnecessary pain. But even so, these were the consequences for decision she had chosen. Eve had brought this on herself.

“Well, that does present me with a slight problem…” said Eve, resignedly.

“Hey, you stole the ring, remember? I didn’t give it to you Eve, but I’d actually like it back now, so….”

“Naomi, I would love nothing more than to give you back this horrid ring…”

“But?” I said tightly, sensing the deception within her voice.

But, you strike me as a clever girl, Naomi, which means you know how a game like this really works. I take it you said yes to whatever the Hunters wanted, hmm?”

“Well, I wasn’t really left with much of a choice,” I said tightly.

“I know, dear, and I am fully to blame –”

“Eve, just cut your crap and get to the point. And preferably this century.” I said, rolling my eyes.

“The point, sweetheart, is now I need something too – again. I’m sorry darling, but I need you to find me a way to break the curse. Because really, I’m just too attractive to be going insane. I’d be just like Helena Bonham Carter in that one version of Hamlet – my looks would be completely wasted.”

Suddenly, I gave a short, harsh laugh that surprised even myself.

“Wow, you know, as tempting as you manage to make that sound, Eve,” I said, giving another chuckle. “I think I’m still gonna to have to pass. Now, I took care of Mathew like you told you me to and I even threw in how to break the curse, so I think I’ve earned more than enough karma points for that. So I want the ring back – tonight.”

There was complete silence in our pause, as we both deliberated, protected from one another by only our distance. But in the animal kingdom, we would have been facing each other, right then – eye to eye, nose to nose, and snarl to snarl .We would have been able to settle this like real Wolves would. But we couldn’t. There was only us, now, in Human form, bantering in a conversation on a telephone. We had to rely on our voices as a show of our strength, and use our words for weapons.

“I could find other Hunters, Naomi. Just because those particular three have bigger problems than an obnoxious hunk of rock to confiscate, that doesn’t mean that others won’t have a little free time on their hands...”

“But we had a deal.” I said, through gritted teeth.

“Well the original deal’s off baby-cakes, and now we’ve got a brand-new contract on the table. You get me out of this curse, and then you’ll get your ring back. Minus a bunch of other Hunter’s on that sweet little tail of yours...”

“You know what, everyone’s right. You are crazy.”

“Hmph,” Eve said with jolly encouragement. “See you tonight, girly. Same place, but let’s make it nine this time – a girl needs her beauty sleep.”

I lowered the phone and stared at it in my hand for several seconds, very close to screaming and smashing it to bits. But there were more numbers to dial and a record to set straight. I didn’t have time to lose my cool now.

*  *  *

Addy was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. She leaned against the banister casually, looking self-satisfied and triumphant. That was some good news at least.

“Got the stuff?” I asked, knowing that she had.

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