Chapter 25

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Kira eyed the white, glowing door doubtfully. "Then I guess I should go in."

"I guess you should." Luke responded calmly, although she could tell that he was nervous as well.

"...Good luck." She replied, not knowing what else to say. The white was blinding and terrifying, but Kira knew that it was her calling to enter. She took in a big breath and stepped through the doorway, blinking rapidly as the white enveloped her. It was bright but cold, and she found herself shivering.

Welcome, child. A gentle voice called, and Kira stiffened and immediately ignited her red lightsaber.

"Who are you?" She called angrily, taking an attacking stance and looking around alertly.

I mean you no harm. I come as a friend. The voice reassured Kira gently, but she scowled.

"And how do I know that?" She growled, tightening her grip on her lightsaber.

Easy. The voice chided her gently. Your untrusting nature may have served you well in the past, but here it may be your downfall.

Kira gritted her teeth and lowered her lightsaber resentfully, her more logical half getting the better of her. Why would the voice bring her here just to kill her?

There. Now, why are you here? The voice asked curiously, and Kira debated letting it know exactly why.

"For information." She lied, keeping her face cool and calm.

The voice had a gentle laughter in its voice as it responded. You should know better than to lie to a sentient being, Kiracel, after everything your mother taught you.

The mention of Kira's mother made her chest squeeze painfully. "You know nothing about my mother and what she wants."

She seeks power. The power to destroy and to recreate in a sickened and twisted way. And you're her pawn. The voice stated, and Kira scowled at it.

"She only wants to destroy the Jedi."

And you agree?


You lie. The voice whispered, and Kira's scowl deepened but she didn't contradict it.

Your mother is a sickness, and one that is infecting you as well. Don't be taken by the darkness when you were meant for the light. The voice warned.

Kira's frown was now one of confusion. "I've never been meant for light. I've been dark my entire life; what's changed?"

Nothing. The voice replied. You have always been an outcast among your assassin sisters, no matter how hard you've tried to hide it.

Kira scowled again. "Do you already know why I'm here?"

Of course. I just wanted you to know why you are here.

"And why is that?" Kira asked skeptically, crossing her arms.

You want to find somewhere you belong. The voice said more gently now, and Kira felt the nudge of the familiar hole in her chest.

"That's not what I asked."

Ah yes. You want to know if I know what specifically you came here for. Your mother didn't tell you.

"Yes. I'd like to know why exactly I came all the way over here onto this planet, because she wouldn't tell me."

She did not want you to find anything. The voice revealed, and Kira's heart stopped. She wanted to be certain she could trust you by sending you this far away, and you'd return feeling as if you'd failed because you didn't find anything. And she'd be there to comfort you. Her forgiveness would be a mercy, and you would crawl right back into her arms.

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