Chapter 6

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The first thing Leena did upon waking up was get dressed and go over to Han and Leia's quarters, and as she took the tram across the few buildings that separated the two quarters she couldn't help but think back to exactly why Luke was contained the way he was. The tram took off and glided seamlessly over the track of light guiding it, and as the city blended into the background Leena felt her worry start to grow just by thinking about it.

But it wasn't just that, it was the fact that she felt so strongly about Luke. He was her mentor after all; if anything had happened to him she had no idea how she would react. She needed to get a grip on her power, and she hadn't the slightest idea on how to do that.

The tram slowed to a stop at the senate building, a tall tower with a spherical top that held the main area where the senators would come before the entire Senate and debate before the Chancellor. Leena knew Leia was moving into the larger quarters today, and she spared no time in taking the lift up to near the top and walking into the Chancellor's office to see Leia placing things around the room.

Leia looked up immediately as the doors slid open, and she looked like she hadn't slept much better than Leena had. "It's about time you got here, I was about to leave without you!"

Leena looked around the room, seeing boxes everywhere. "Really? It looks like you're kind of in the middle of something."

Leia just sighed and stood up straight, stretching. She was already in a more sophisticated outfit than she normally was, which Leena guessed was a byproduct of being the supreme ruler of the New Republic. One always had to look nice.

"Let's go, I'll let my maids do the rest of the unpacking." Leia walked over to Leena, and together the two of them walked back down the staggeringly tall building into the tram center built into the middle. The building had a gaping hole where the tram station would lie, and the beam of light that was the track ran in the middle of the two sections.

The lift opened, and immediately Leia and Leena walked out to board the next tram. Leia insisted that she didn't need any guards with her because she had Leena, and Leena had simply smiled and patted her lightsaber. The guards must have realized that she was a Jedi, because they backed off of their pleas and let the Chancellor and the Jedi apprentice to about their business.

Soon enough the tram they boarded stopped at the Prison Sector, and Leia had no problem securing them a transport. Leena drove while Leia sat next to her, telling her where to go.

"So what do you think happened?" Leena asked over the wind of the speeder moving so quickly.

"I don't know, but we will soon." Leia promised, her brown eyes cold and unhappy. Leena could tell she definitely was going to exchange words with Rezka when they saw him.

Eventually the two landed at the gate, and the guard, needing no recognition from Leia, immediately opened it. Leia gave him a nod of thanks, and Leena walked in behind her and rose her brows at the complex structure.

Cells were along every wall, stacked on top of each other and going so high up that Leena didn't know where to look. Luckily for her Leia did, and the two headed straight for the main control center. It was in the middle of the area, floating amidst the cells that surrounded it from afar, and Leia and Leena had to take another small speeder docked at the edge of the chasm of cells to reach it.

Rezka turned around, raising his brows. "Chancellor. Come to see Skywalker, I suppose?"

"Yes, that would be nice." Leia replied coldly. "Where is he?"

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