"Aight that's cool. Don't call me Mr.Shakur, I ain't no old ass man."Amaru laughed and Damita mentally rolled her eyes at him always trying to be funny.

"Ava, do you mind if I make some breakfast really quick? My kids haven't eaten yet." Damita asked.

"Oh no. I don't mind at all."She smiled and Damita got up from the table. "Do you want to eat with us? We have more than enough." Damita offered, sweetly.

"Oh sure. Thank you."Ava replied, surprised at Damita's generous offer.

Being in Damita's home made Ava see her in a totally different light. She was so sweet and loving with her family and it made Ava respect her so much more. She saw Damita's coldness to them as just a sign of authority to them now. She no longer saw her as the evil boss with no heart, she was just about her business.

"Mommy. I don't feel good."Aaliyah sighed, laying her head on Damita's shoulder while she cooked.

"What's wrong my love?"Damita asked, pulling Aaliyah into her arms. "My head hurts and my eyes are really dry." She replied groggily.

"Aww my baby. Have you been sleeping with the fan close to your face?" Damita asked, hugging her and rubbing her back. "I know you have. You gotta stop doing that baby. Put it against the wall."

"It feels good though. It helps me sleep."Aaliyah sighed.

"Sit down and eat. Then I'll go get you some medicine okay?"She kissed her cheeks multiple times, making her laugh and continued to finish their breakfast.

"Is your brother awake?"She asked.

"I'm not sure. I'll go check."Aaliyah replied, getting up from the table.

"Mrs.Shakur, I think we should figure out who Carl's lawyer is. Try to figure out some weaknesses, so it'll be easy to take him down."Ava chatted up.

"Great idea, but change the subject when my kids come to the table please? We can finish when they leave. I try not to worry them with things like this." Damita replied, fixing up a plate for Aaliyah.

"Oh I completely understand. No problem."She smiled and nodded.

Aaliyah and Amaru sat down at the table and Damita put their plates down in front of them.

"Good morning son."Damita smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

"Good morning ma."He replied.

"Ava you can come and make your plate if you're ready." Damita instructed, taking her seat next to her husband.

Ava got up and put everything that she wanted on her plate then sat down next to Aaliyah.

"Do you make breakfast every morning Mrs. Shakur?"Ava asked stuffing eggs in her mouth.

"Most mornings. I don't cook dinner every night though. We eat out a lot."She explained.

"She only cooks dinner if she's in a good mood."Junior joked, making his father laugh.

"That's not true. I cook whenever you ask me to." Damita rolled her eyes and continued to eat.

"No you be like tell me what you want to eat before I get in the bed or you not eating tonight."junior replied trying to sound like his mother.

"Shut up boy." She laughed and smacked the back of his head. "Did you call Paige?"She asked making his whole mood change and Aaliyah started laughing.

"Yeah, she hung up on me."He sighed, dropping the last few words of his sentence to a grumble.

"Well baby, that's the consequences of your actions. You better be glad that all she did was hang up on you because if your daddy did some shit like that I'd kill him." She replied, looking at Amaru.

Family Ties (BOOK V)Where stories live. Discover now