Life Lesson 7

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Show no mercy.
"I always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice." -Abraham Lincoln

"...and that your honor, is how Mr. Welmingham killed the victim." Siren was lazing about upside down on her pristine couch, watching some criminal show. Joker stood a ways away, silently watching her. How her bright purple hair seemed to be messily brushed, flowing down the arm of the couch. How her bare, pale feet dangled over the top of the couch; her pale legs glistening in the dim light. Is the strawberry smell from some glitter lotion she used? Joker never understood her, and he never would.

He scoffed, however, at her intense watching of the television. "How is that beneficial to watch? It's not even based on how it really works." As if he knew. Being thrown in jail by the Batman countless times, never even getting a trial by peers. As if the system knew his peers would be just as insane as him, causing him to grin at the thought.

"Oh jester," The Joker snarled at that insult. She only used it when she was mad at him. Maybe she was getting sick of him always getting caught and her bailing him out. "It's comedic, nothing more and nothing less. I just watch it when I'm bored of being bored." Ah, was that why she wasn't torturing him? She was bored of the boredom? "Come along. Let me show you the real justice." The Joker jumped as she swiftly left her position on the couch.

She lead him through the city of Gotham, using shadows as cover, but her somehow still being lit in the dark of the night. Like a Sire, glowing but warning of upcoming danger. Once they reached their destination, the Joker had to do a double take. There, in front of them was crates piled high, and a couple of her most loyal goons, Two where surrounding a man, who wore a sack over his head. Probably a gift the Scarecrow gave her during his last visit. 

The Joker raised a brow as she sauntered up to the man. "W-What?" He startled as she ripped off the sack, showing a scared and bloody man there.

"It seems you decided to snoop around my  territory," Her eyes narrowed, seeming to glow dangerously. "Why?"

The man looked around, nervously. Noting he was surrounded, but only by a few, he seemed to gain his composure some. "I...I heard there was dangerous activity here." the Joker realized quickly that the man must of been a new recruit for the Gotham police department. Everyone there knew not to snoop around here. Only Batman dared to. It was like an unspoken rule and treaty. 

"Ah," Siren mused, realizing before the Joker had. "You must be new. Unless you're purely stupid." The man couldn't help but glare at her words. "Well then!" Siren clapped her hands, her sharp blood red nails catching everyone's eyes. "I guess since it was an accident, you can go!" The Joker choked at this. Let the man go!?  Was she mad!? The goons, seemingly aware of their bosses newfound desire for mercy, cut the ropes that bounded the man.

"I'm...I'm free to go?" The man mumbled, glancing around. Siren was stationary, leaning on the front of a crate, the Joker stood off to the side, watching, while the goons just walked away. Realizing he really was free to go, he started to walk backwards, before turning and trying to book it. No way anyone would believe him. He somehow escaped the Joker and some crazy chick. But alas, if only he had not been drowned in his thoughts of freedom, he would've seen the boulder dangling above the doorway. If only he had been faster, he would've dodged the boulder as it came crashing down, making him into a splattered red pancake.

Siren turned her head slightly to the Joker, a grin on her face. "Didn't you know, doll? Giving some mercy, gives that wonderfully satisfying feeling, once you're able to take it away." Her grin turned upwards more, as if the devil itself was calling. She turned on her heel and walked off, the sounds of her last words echoing through out the warehouse, giving the Joker much to think about. "Having mercy taken away from you in a blink, is the best justice one can be served."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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