Life Lesson 6

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One good deed cancels out the bad.
"One should see the world, and see himself as a scale with an equal balance of good and evil. When he does one good deed the scale is tipped to good - he and the world is saved. When he does one evil deed the scale is tipped to bad - he and the world is destroyed." -Maimonides

The city of Gotham, a beautiful city that resided in New Jersey. It always held events and called all residents out of their homes and mundane filled lives, to come and celebrate it's newest achievement. This year, Gotham had just been rewarded by the mayor for it's reduction in crime. The culprit? A newly acquired hero, a vigilante of the night; one clad in all black and gray with a pointed, hooded mask. Batman. The Dark Knight. Savior of Gotham. Vigilante.

His beginning had been brief, a longing for taking down criminals of Gotham. His main target? Joker, the one who always gets away or breaks out. Batman could never figure it out. Arkham Asylum had maxed security, highly trained guardsmen. It housed the roughest and baddest Gotham had. But still, somehow, they all always escaped, starting with the Joker. As if something was always in his shadows. Darker than the night itself, darker than even all the criminals in Gotham combined. But Batman could never lay lay his eyes on it, not even a glance. Until now.

A guard paced the maximum security hallway, just doing his appointed rounds. Each cell door was shut tightly, and all the barred windows were still intact. He swung his keys around his finger, other hand placed on his baton for faster handling if the need would arise. He had just passed door 312, before he paused. He retraced his steps and peeked through the cell window. Joker was where he was previously, straightjacket on and chained to the floor in a kneeling position. But that's not what caused pause from the guard. It was the bright purple that he spotted behind the joker, just briefly. Shaking his head, he continued on, having to of imagined it.

The joker lifted his head, a menacing smile on his face, "Seems you're losing your touch, sweetcheeks."

"As if. I was curious to see if the guard would catch me in here," Siren mused, standing up from her crouched position. She sighed as she stared at the cell window, "Seems I put to much faith in the guardsmen this time." As if the increased security could stop her, she loved taunting it either way.

The Joker rolled his eyes, "Can you get me out now sweetcheeks? I got an itch I've been dying to scratch."

Siren hummed, circling her kneeled protegee. "It seems you do, you do." Her eyes narrowed dangerously at him, causing him to shift slightly, just enough for her to catch it. "However, you seemed to of gotten caught too easily this time. Are you trying to get away from me?" She lifted his head with her finger, her nail sharply digging into his chin.

"Tch, as if I could get away from someone like you," Joker sneered, knowing full well no one leaves her outside of her will and a body bag. He only hoped she would never leave him, as if he would ever tell her that. He's been her longest pet, and he wanted it that way.

"Hmm" She hummed in agreement, before walking towards the door. Somehow, the chains around Joker clanged to the floor as they unchained themselves, and his straightjacket seemed to of been ripped. She always seemed to move to fast for his eyes to catch at times. He knew. She always toyed with him during their spars and never gave it her all. "What do I get this time for freeing you, pet?" Downgraded once more for being caught. Joker knew he would have to work his way up her ladder again.

"Whatever you desire." If only he had noticed the extra camera situated facing his cell door, he could've kept her out of sight like he normally did. But no, no good deed goes unpunished. This good deed that was cancelling out his bad deed, was new ammunition for the Dark Knight. Now Batman knew. Siren was now out in the spotlight, and all her misdeeds would come to light.

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