Life Lesson 4

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Trust only yourself, and even then, be weary.

"Boss, what's the plan?"

The purple haired goddess smiled as she moved her fingers across the rolled paper, unraveling it for them to see. She pointed to a square, a red x precisely in the middle, "This boys, is our target. It's a state of the art vault with a millions worth in it." She briefly glanced at the Joker, making note the way his eyes glistened in joy at the amount. "We'll send in team C to do recon, while team B is the getaway. Team A," said team put all of their attention to her, knowing they had the most important part, "you're breaking in."

Hours later...

The clock struck 12:00am, midnight, start of the new day, start of their heist. All the teams were in position, while the Joker and her waited off to the side. The Joker was originally supposed to be leading team A, but she had held him back last minute. "Why am I here dollface?" He has been with her for almost a year, and he was still picking up her unique habits.

She giggled at him, and gave him a false sweet smile, "Be patient. Just you wait." She put her black sunglasses on, just as red and blue lights flashed. Sirens wailed in the night sky. "The shows just starting..."

The Joker grinned at the new development and leaned back against the wall, eyes shimmering as the scene unfolded. Team B and C appeared from the alley beside them, unsure of what was happening. "Boss?"

"You know boys," She flashed her white teeth as she smiled wider, "I don't appreciate people trying to ruin my operation. These things are my grandchildren, I hate having them spoiled you know."

They watched as all of team A was dragged out, handcuffs and all. They could hear from this distance their screams for their boss to save them, not wanting to go to jail. Not for a measly $2,000. "Boss, why weren't they informed to pull out?"

"You see boys," she turned towards them, a wicked glint in her eyes. Though only the Joker could tell. "They'd been planning to rob this place before me. So I messaged you guys that the heist was earlier and had you guys pull out when they showed up. I forgot to mention.... when you guys went in, their infra-red beams were activated. Oops!" Her men widened their eyes at her observation. She turned towards the Joker, a matching smile on his face, "See doll, this." She outstretched her hands beside her, showing off the lights and noise behind her, the glow from the distance casting down on her like the queen she is,

"This is why you don't trust anyone."

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