Eight: Confrontations

Start from the beginning


"How did you manage to slip away?" Ginny asked. Her red hair was glistening under the ceiling light and she was leaning against her chair, sipping her drink. Hermione looked at her smiling slightly. After helping her aunts make breakfast and waking the kids up, she received a text from Pansy, telling Hermione to meet her and Ginny for lunch at a nearby café.

"Well, it wasn't that hard. I just told them I had to meet some friends." Hermione explained. Pansy gazed at her, raising an eyebrow. Hermione could practically feel the curiosity pouring out of her. "Spill." She spoke.

"How was or actually how is the reunion going so far?" Ginny asked, her curiosity and concern for her best friend showing. "So far, not that well. I've still got to convince Tristan and Lillian, but Christina and I are friends again." She finished with a smile. Ginny and Pansy smiled.

They spent a few more minutes conserving before Hermione excused herself. They parted ways, promising to get together again.

Hermione walked into the library, silently locking the door behind her. She approached the figure sitting on the sofa. Coughing to gain her attention as black eyes looked into chocolate ones. It was Lillian. She closed her book, sighing and turned her attention towards Hermione very much irritated. "What do you want?" She asked, her tone a colder than usual. "I want to talk. Can we just take a few seconds to discuss things? Please?" Hermione pleaded, and Lillian, reluctantly, patted the space next to her.

A pregnant silence hung in the air. It was very awkward and Hermione looked around trying to distract herself. The room was a large one, a crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling giving it an ethereal glow. There were thousands of books that decorated the shelf. Frankly, it reminded Hermione of the library at Hogwarts.

"So........ I guess we haven't spoken in a while, have we?" Lillian surprised Hermione by speaking. Hermione nodded, not really knowing what to say. She had imagined how this conversation would be, envisioned many scenarios in her mind, but now that it came down to it, her mind was blank.

She tried to focus, and summoning that gryffindor courage she spoke. "Yes. What have you been up to?" the silence hung heavy. It's not that neither of them didn't want to talk. It's that no words seemed to come mind. suddenly, a sound was heard, breaking the silence. Turning around, they noticed a book had fallen from it's place on the shelf. Laughter bubbled up from inside Lillian, and she started laughing hysterically. Hermione looked at her like she was crazy, then, for some odd reason, she herself started laughing.

"It's funny, isn't it?" Lillian said, as her laughter subsided. "We always used to sit around and talk, but now we can't even have a proper conversation." She picked her book from the floor which fell when she was laughing and dusted it off. "It's not your fault Herms. I don't blame you, neither does Christan. You don't need to convince us or apologize or anything. Whatever happened was so many years ago and I've let it go, so don't worry." She kept her eyes glued to the book as she addressed Hermione. "It's Tristan you should be worried about. You know her best. The girl can really hold a grudge." Hermione snickered. Looking back at it all, Hermione agreed. Tristan had always been one to hold grudges. It would be a tough job to even get her to open up a bit, but Hermione vowed she would try.

"Thank you Lil." Hermione placed her hand on Lillian's hand, lowering her book, forcing her to finally look at Hermione. "It means a lot to me, that you said that." Lillian smiled slightly and squeezed Hermione's hand. "Don't mention it, Herms." Lillian moved slightly to hug her friend. It felt a little awkward, but they felt a little relieved. "Well that was a little awkward." Exclaimed Lillian. "Well, it's just the beginning, we'll get used to this, I promise." Hermione grinned.

Mission accomplished. Well, half the mission actually, she still had Tristan to talk to. Making her way out of the library, after promising to hang with Lillian after dinner, Hermione sighed. Partially in relief and partially in anticipation for what was next.

Next target: a certain Tristan Habord. 

A/N: Okay! I know. I'm a bad person. Grab your pitchforks. I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while. It was due to three main reasons:

1/ I was busy with Uni.    2/ I was and still am sick with the flu, a very terrible flu.   3/ I was having daily mental breakdowns.

But anyway, those aren't excuses just reasons. And even though I'm not happy with this chapter, rather not satisfied, I'll try to better my writing quality(and quantity). And thank you to all who stuck around for this story, I appreciate your awesomeness and loyalty. Anyway, I'll try and writ more often.

-RyanDragneel16 🖤😘😚 

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