Chapter 4: strange behaviour

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Screwy and Foxy were talking together over by the cove. They were both enjoying a good laugh as Screwy explained what happened today when some pizza dough landed on Damian's head. "A-And then!! H-He got all a-angry, PFFT and he t-tried to take me down!!!!"

The two laughed at the thought of the skinny beanpole magician trying to take down Screwy who was much tougher then him. "Aye, that be a very funny thought!! How is the land lubber now?" Screwy shrugged "He'll if I know!! I couldn't care wether that wee bugger had pizza dough in his fur or"

She waved a paw infront of dads face, his eyes that were previously a golden yellow had turned to pitch black with a small white speak. She raised a brow and shook his shoulder "Ey Dad?...ya there?" "WHAT THE?!" Screwy turned her head to the kitchen, Freddy slowly walked out and stood on stage, Chica slowly following behind her.

Their eyes were also black and white. Freddy Juniour who was now covered in pizza dough and tomato sauce poked his head out of the kitchen, wiping a paw across his eyes and throwing the tomato sauce on the floor. "What was that for dad??!" His dad didn't so much as look at him as he stood of the stage and went into his sleep mode.

Chica also did the same as Foxy stood up in the cove, drawing the curtains as he did. "Da fuuuuuuck?...." Screwy walked over to Freddy Juniour and helped wiped the sauce out of his eyes "What happened matey?" Freddy shruggged "Well, we were making pizza-" "Well what else is new?.." Freddy Juniour gave her a blank look

"Anyway, we were making pizza and then all of a sudden my dad just started acting weird, black eyes and white pupils kinda weird." Screwy hummed in thought "He tried to leave the kitchen along with my mom, and when I went to ask them what was wrong my dad poured to pizza ingredients all over me!!" He gestured to his face that was still coated in dough and tomato.

"Dad? Mom? Where are you going?" Screwy and Freddy watched as Bonnie walked over to the stage, as they thought he too had black eyes. Toy Chica, along with Toy Bonnie and Toy Freddy also made their was over to their small stage at the side of the room. "Mom? Dad? What's wrong with you?!"

Screwy walked over and placed a hand on Areos shoulder "There be no point, we tried and they didn't listen." "Do you guys have any idea what's wrong with them?" Screwy and Freddy shook their heads. 

"What wrong with them?...And them?" Ira floated into the room wondering what the noise was about, upon walking into the room she slowly pointed to the stage where the main three were "Dad?" Freddy Juniour poked his head into the Marionettes room to see him floating over to his box, Golden Freddy was no where in sight so he assumed that he had already teleported away.

"Bro? What's wrong with our dads?..." Ira asked as she cautiously floated up to his side, watching as Marionette gently shit the top box lid, everyone looked for Damian for an answer, he scratched his golden hair "I....I don't kn-"


".....What was that?" Everyone shrugged "Well whatever it is do you think it has something to do with them?"

"Don't they act like this when it's around 6?...I'm pretty sure they said something about that." Ira said as she helped Freddy Juniour scrap the pizza sauce off him. "PSSH!! That probably ain't the case!! I mean it's not like they be controlled by somethin'.."

Ira raised a brow at Screwy "Let's just get some sleep, I'm sure that they'll all be fine and spiffy in the mornin'" everyone in the room gave a shrug as they walked over to their stages in their party room, they would all be fine in the morning anyway.


Meanwhile over in the nightgaurds office, the group of friends were all sitting in a tranquil silence. "So..." Kayla broke the silence and turned to Linda "What are you going to tell your dad?....."

"PSSH!! He worries to much!! What's the worse that could happen?" She said with a roll of her eyes. Harry flicked through the cameras on the screen, he went to the camera that showed the main stage and he raised a bold brow when all the animatronics were staring right at the camera, like they knew they were watching them.

He hummed in thought and flicked to pirates cove, Foxys head had previously been behind the curtain, but now the curtain was left slightly a jar as Foxy poked his head out, also looking at the camera. "Hey guys?" He spun round in the swivel chair to show them the camera screen

"Do the animatronics usual look into the camera all creepy like?" Linda and Violet both raised a brow "See? Sometimes I wonder why boss lets these things near kids." Violet said as she pointed at the screen. "Shh!! You may make them mad!!" Kayla said in something of a high squeak as she hid behind Harry.

"PSH!! Please, they're only robots!! What are they gonna do? Make our ears bleed with load music?" Harry rolled his eyes "Its still pretty weird if you ask me-....wait." Everyone looked over to him "Where's Bonnie?"

"What are you talking about?" Linda asked as she took the tablet into her hands. She looked into the tablet, only to find that the famialir purple bunny indeed wasn't on stage, a quick search through the other cameras cleared up the mystery however.

"He's in the dinning room." She handed Harry back the tablet and sat herself back down on the floor in the back of the office. "But...that shouldn't happen. Right?"

"It's not anything to be concerned about." Charles said with a wave of his hand "I read over the animatronic guidebooks and it said that they have a free roaming mode at night, something about their surveys locking up? I can't really remember."

Everyone eased up a little, knowing that it was just the robots on free roaming mode rather then them moving by themselves. Violet went back to throwing darts at the dart board and Linda began to read over one of the anime comics that Kayla left in the office in case anyone got bored.

"Hey Charles? Hey Charles? Hey Charles?" When she still got no response she throw a dart into the back of his so called 'mask' Charles groaned and turned round to Violet, trying to pull the dart out "Yes?"

"Well, I've just thought of something." Her permanent smile was unfazed by all the worries looks on everyone's face, whenever she had thought of something it would most likely end in burning flames or someone getting hurt and or killed. "Oh don't look so worried ring-ring!!!"

She throw a dart at the board "When have I ever let you guys down before?" Harry lifted his hand to answer but a dart was suddenly thrown at him rather quickly that he had to duck just to avoid it. "Don't answer that." She said coldly.

"What's the idea?" Linda crossed her arms and Violet turned to her, balancing a dart on a single finger "Wellllllllllll......" she looked over at the door "Instead of sitting in here and do absolutely NOTHING!!!" She walked over to the door and poked her head outside "Why don't we go exploring? We haven't really explored the place at night yet."

Harry raised a brow "You sure?" "Absolutely!!"

"Absolutely NOT!!!" Charles yelled at Violet "Out of the question, dream on, forget it!!!" Violet whined "Come ooooonnnnnn!!!! There is nothing to doooo here!!!" Charles crossed his arms and walked back over to the tablet. "I don't care Violet, we where told to stay h-" "Aaaaaaaaand she's gone."

Charles looked to where Violet was previously standing to see that she was indeed gone. Everyone looked to Charles, Charles groaned and then sighed

"....Oh alright....but when we find Violet we are coming straight back." Everyone walked out of the room, Kayla sticking very close to Linda as they walked down the dark hallway, however, they were unaware of the robot that was watching them as they walked into the dinning room.

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