The Case of Truth

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           Evie working her shift make cocoa with cinnamon for Henry he was sad about Ms. Blanchard she was cleaning the counter she said "Henry" he said "I'm good." She went back to it when the stranger spoke to Henry telling him there's more to what's going on and solution is in his book Henry said "You're saying my book is real?" he said "Real as I am" he said "Who are you?" he said "I'm a believer and your sister what's her story?" he said "Evie she's normal I guess" he said "Is she in the book?" he said "I don't know" he said "Perhaps another time" he walked off. Evie went by to see Ms. Blanchard but overheard her mother talking to her she listening in on it she got a sneaky suspicion of her so she went to tail her to see why. Of course Evie learned Emma now teamed up with the stranger August she watching from a far they sneak about on the investigation into Regina but she knows her mother is always ten steps ahead of them she would get rid of evidence for spite. Evie overhearing Emma in front of her door accusing August of betraying her while he pleads innocence she couldn't sit idly by so she went to Sheriff station saw Ms. Blanchard put in handcuffs and walked out she said "Emma" she turned to see Evie she said "I'm in no mood" she said "Then let me be brief you have a mole in your station and I can fix that" she went and broke the vase with flowers Sidney had gave Emma the other day revealing a bug she destroyed it with her boot she said "You want to take down my mom I'm the best chance you got" she said "You're willing to turn on her?" she said "Yeah, you probably want to know this Sidney is the mole because he's been reporting back to her about everything you do, just out of curiosity your brakes being cut it was him" she said "How, do I need to know really?" she said "I don't like when my friends suffer by mother's agenda so thinking about Henry I would send my own mother to prison just to protect him" she said "There's something I have to do first" she said "Go ahead".  

       Emma found Kathryn alive and not dead so Ms. Blanchard was free to go while damage control went underway Evie meant what she said to Emma that she's the only one who can really take down Regina thus she attended Ms. Blanchard's welcome home party. She walked over to Mr. Gold who was in the corner she said "Job well done getting Ms. Blanchard off the hook" he said "What do you mean?" she said "I think you do know what I mean, but to defy my mother I bet she's angry with you then again she deserves it" he said "You want to tell me what you are itching to say." She walked up close in a whisper voice "I know who you are Dark One I know plenty" he said " Really?" she turned to see the group cheering she said "I bet your dagger is really hidden someplace close by say the woods" he said "Don't threaten me Ms. Mills" she said "Threaten you, I'm just telling you how I see it besides I've dealt with Dark Ones before didn't end well for me so enjoy your drink" she walked off leaving him pondering over their conversation. Evie had went home to her room and found Mr. Gold in August's room she said "What are you doing?" he turned to see her there in the doorway he said "None of your concern" she said "You wondered if he.." he said "How would you know?" she said "As I said I know plenty including the dark curse and who Emma is" he said "Who are you really?" she said "Let's say that I'll be thrilled when it's broken because then I can confront the person who cost me everything" he said "Who would that be?" she said "The Blue Fairy" he smiled he said "Really, she ruined your life" she said "Worse, she's the reason I died and I want to confront her with her memories intact". Evie followed Mr. Gold after August into the woods she greeted them she said "Mr. Gold stop it" he turned to see her he said "This doesn't concern you Ms. Mills" August looking at her she said "Mr. Gold he ain't worth it" August said "I'm sick I thought trying get the savior to believe but she's too stubborn to do so" Evie said "Stubborn isn't the half of it, she chooses not to" Mr. Gold said "Try again" he walked off with his cane. 

        Evie went to quit working at Granny's she already knows the events in motion are coming closer than expected she told Granny that she enjoyed it she just feels it best to. So she went and greeted August she knocked on his door he opened it he said "Ms. Mills" she said "Evie be fine, can I come in?" he let her in she looked around she said "Let me guess Emma didn't want go with you on a trip?" he said "Very observant" she said "I'm thorough but I guess time is running out for you?" he said "Yeah" she said "She thinks magic isn't real but maybe exposing her to her past maybe just maybe it'll jog her memory" he said "Who were you over there if I may ask?" she said "Let's just say I was someone who had a life till everything changed" not eluding to who she really is. Evie went to moving her stuff out of Granny's to back to Mills Manor surprising her mother she said "What's this?" she said "Oh I thought you be thrilled I'm moving back" she said "What happened, Granny up the rent?" she said "I figured I should be home where I'm meant to be" she said "Well fine" she said "Oh  mom for what's to come I'm on your side". She proceeded up the stairs Regina confused by that statement she went up after her she said "What do you mean for what's to come?" she said "The custody battle between you and Emma over Henry" she said "What custody battle?" she said "It's nothing really, Emma is just gathering evidence against you with Mr. Gold's help" she said "Oh really?" she said "Yeah" name dropping Mr. Gold made her smile wickedly she said "Thank you for the information Evie I shouldn't dissuade you on your talents they're quite resourceful" she said "Well it's nice to be needed" she smiled. Evie doing her part while August trying to do his part on Emma trying to get her to believe which is a work in progress and failed Evie got a call from August she said "Oh I see, thanks for letting me know" she hung up her phone Emma stalling everything caused for drastic measures she planted the idea in Emma's head that it be best if she took Henry far from Regina she went to do just that when Evie witnessed Henry walk out the door that night she shut the blinds she smiled wickedly.

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