The Beginning

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            Evie woke up the next day refreshed she went and took a shower not knowing that her dear brother Henry has ran off again Regina checking the whole house room by room not finding Henry anywhere while Evie got out drying off when a knock on the bathroom door "Henry are you in here?" Regina asked frantically Evie opened the door a bit she said "Did you knock?" as she was wrapped in a bath towel Regina said "It's Henry I can't find him, he's not in his room he's nowhere I'm worried he.." Evie said "Is Ms. Swan still here?" she said "That's it she might've taken him I'm going to see Sheriff Graham" she said "Okay" shutting the door back she muttered to herself "I wished for a change and I got it." At sheriff station Emma awakened to a jail cell seems she ran into the town sign driving drunk Sheriff Graham said "Regina's drinks a little stronger than we thought" Emma said "I wasn't drunk, there was a wolf standing in the middle of the road" he said "A wolf, right" not believing her. Regina walked in there she said "Graham, Henry's run away again we have to" she saw Emma there she continued "What is she doing here? Do you know where he is?" accusing her of being behind it. Emma in the cell said "Lady, I haven't seen him since I dropped him at your house, and I have a pretty good alibi" Regina not happy at all she spatted off "Well, he wasn't in his room this morning" she said "Did you try his friends?" Regina said "He doesn't really have any, he's kind of a loner" she said "Every kid has friends, did you check his computer? if he's close to someone he'd be emailing them" Regina said "You know this how?" seeing how she seems to know more than she let's on Emma said "Finding people is what I do, here's an idea how about you guys let me out and I'll help you find him?." Comb through Henry's computer found out he went to a website searching for his birth mom by using a credit card he swiped from Ms. Blanchard Emma said "Who's Ms. Blanchard?" Regina said "Henry's teacher". They paid Ms. Blanchard a visit she was startled by Regina she said "Ms. Mills, what are you doing here? she said "Where's my son Henry?" she said "I assumed he was home sick with you" she said "You think I'd be here if he was, did you give him your credit card so he can find her?" pointing to Emma in the hallway Ms. Blanchard confused she said "Who are you?" Emma started to speak when Regina interjected "The woman who gave him up for adoption" Ms. Blanchard digging through her purse pulled out her wallet her credit card was missing she muttered "I should never have given him that book" Regina yelled "What is this book I keep hearing about?" she continued "Just some old stories I gave him as you know Henry is a special boy so smart, so creative and lonely he needed it" Regina snapped back "What he needs is a dose of reality this is a waste of time" she turned around to leave and passed Emma she said "Have a nice trip back to Boston" she stormed off. Ms. Blanchard gathering the class books she spoke to Emma she said "I feel this partially my fault" Emma said "How's a book going to help?" asking curiously she said "These stories they're a way for us to deal with our world, a world that just doesn't make sense, Henry hasn't had the easiest life" Emma spatted off "Yeah I kinda see why she's a real work" she said "No, more than her see Henry he's adopted like any child he asks the basic question of why would anyone give him away?" Emma felt that sting Ms. Blanchard said "Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't mean in any way to judge you" she said "It's okay really" she continued "I gave him the book because I wanted him to know anyone can have hope even believing the possibility of a happy ending is a very powerful thing" Emma smirked "You know where he is don't you? she said "Try his castle".

           Sitting in Granny's chatting away with Ruby she noticed Emma Swan in town she wondered if she's gone to find Henry Ruby said "Evie did you hear about Henry's birth mom how she ran into the town sign she claims it was a wolf in the road can you believe that" Evie said "That is something Ruby". Keith came into Granny's he saw Evie he asked for coffee to go he spoke to Evie he said "I see you're up and about" she said "Well this is my throne" he laughed he said "Well I await your rain check your highness" he took the coffee cup and left Ruby said "What was that?" Evie said "What was what?" Ruby said "You like him and don't deny that" Evie said "I ran into him last night" she said "Go after him" she said "Fine" she went out the door after him she said "Hey Keith how about that rain check". Emma found Henry at his castle he kept trying to tell her she's gonna bring back the happy endings that Snow White gave her away for her best chance just like she did to him Emma said "I am not in any book I'm a real person no savior" he said "That's because your parents were trying to save you from the curse" she said "Sure they were let's go". Brought Henry back to Regina he went running inside Regina said "Thank you" she said "No problem" she said "He seemed to have taken a shine to you" Emma said "Yesterday was my birthday, and when I blew out the candle on this cupcake I made a wish that I didn't have to be alone on my birthday then Henry showed up" Regina said "I hope there's no misunderstanding here don't mistake all this as an invitation back into his life, Ms. Swan you made a decision ten years ago and well who knows what you've been doing, I've changed every diaper, soothed every fever, endured every tantrum you may have given birth to him but HE IS MY SON" she said "I was not.." Regina cut her off she said "You don't get to speak, you don't get to do anything, you gave up that right when you tossed him away that's what a closed adoption is and that's what you got so no legal right to Henry so I suggest you get in your car and leave this town, because if you don't I will destroy you if its is the last thing I do, goodbye Ms. Swan". She turned to shut the door Emma said "Do you love him?" Regina stopped she said "Excuse me?" as if she didn't hear her clearly she said "Henry, do you love him?" she said "Of course I love him" and proceeded to shut the door in her face Emma could tell Regina was lying to some sort of degree.

             Evie was in The Rabbit Hole having a drink or two with Keith they chatting away while Emma went to get a room at Granny's when Mr. Gold came to collect the rent Granny filling out the book she said "Now what's the name?" she said "Swan, Emma Swan" Mr. Gold said "Emma, what a lovely name" she turned to see him she said "Thanks" Ruby gave him the money he said "You enjoy your stay Emma." He walked off with his cane she said "Who's that?" Ruby said "Mr. Gold, he owns this place" Emma said "The inn?" Ruby said "The town" Granny said "So how long will you be with us a week?" Emma said "Just a week" Granny said "Great, welcome to Storybrooke". Evie came walking past the clock tower she heard it chime and saw it move it's hand she had reached the driveway then on into the house she greeted by her mom she said "Evie I have a job for you" she said "I'm going to bed mom maybe in the morning". She started to go up the stairs she said "I'll make it worth your while" she stopped she said "What is it?" she said "I need your talent of sleuthing" she said "Let me guess Emma Swan" she said "I need to know everything you can find on her to protect Henry" she said "Why mom I didn't think you pay attention to my talents" acting so snarky. She said "Oh I do, well enough to know that I'm very glad you ended that fling with the good doctor" she said "How?" she said "A mother knows everything" she said "Well he had lost his resourcefulness I'm onto something new" she said "Well be discreet Evie" she said "Discreet, really how about Sheriff Graham?" she said "What of him?" she said "Any sleepovers lately" she thinking of a way to respond to that statement Evie said "Yeah I know but Henry he doesn't so" she said "You're blackmailing me, I'm your mother" she said "Now you see my talent up close and personal" as she smiled Regina said "Well, I can trust that I have my best girl on the job and you won't fail me" she said "Emma Swan won't know what hit her" as she glared her eyes and a wicked smile appeared very Evil Queen style.

Light and Dark: Cursedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن