A Very Different Birthday Indeed

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         Twenty-Eight years later, precisely October 22, 2011 Evie Mills was all giddy for her birthday she put on her signature look which consisted of  a black leather cropped jacket, purple laced blouse, dark blue jeans, her black high-heeled boots she had styled her hair to have a voluminous loose spiral curls, her makeup was very dark smoky reminiscent of her mother Madam Mayor Regina's  topping it all off with her signature lipstick a sultry pink of course she couldn't go out without her silver chained necklace with E-pendant dangling from it her look complete she headed out the door. Popped inside Granny's for some hot chocolate with cinnamon her favorite listening to her best friend Ruby dish out all the gossip she's picked up on during her morning shift. Ruby has a way of talking she could even have a conversation with a fence post and not run out of things to say the one thing Evie would like for Ruby to do is to shut up once an while as she sipping her hot chocolate Sheriff Graham walked in for his usual which consisted of eggs, bacon, and coffee he sat beside Evie at the counter he said "Good morning Ms. Evie Mills how goes it on this fine day" Evie said "Oh fine and dandy Sheriff" he said "Well good and by the way a happy birthday to you" she said "You remembered" playing coy he said "Sure, your mother Madam Mayor has it marked on the calendar, so what do you got planned? Ruby said "I'm taking her out to celebrate at The Rabbit Hole after my evening shift" Evie said "Oh as it seems my bestie Ruby has it all planned out for me all I have to do is show up" laughing fakely. He said "Now don't go getting yourself into trouble now after all I'm the Sheriff and I can't be doing any favors" she said "Oh there won't be any problems Sheriff Graham if anything it will be very low key" he said "Well I have to go duty calls." He paid for his meal and walked out of the door Evie said to herself "Oh no need to worry sheriff I live for trouble that's why I'm wicked" Ruby said "Evie meet me here at 6:30pm and begin your birthday festivities" she said "You can bet I'll be there" Ruby said "Evie this will be a birthday you won't forget" she said "Then I won't" hugged her and left. 

          Evie walked inside Storybrooke General Hospital her brother Henry and his class has been volunteering there bringing some joy to the patients there so she had a keen eye on Dr. Victor Whale's schedule as well she came into his office she had a way of startling him with her presence she spoke in a singsong voice "I hope I'm not interrupting Dr. Whale" he almost dropped the clipboard he said "Ms. Mills what can I do for you" she said "Well doctor I've been feeling kinda ill perhaps you could check my temperature I'm afraid it's a fever" she making a pouting face he said "I think I can fix that" he went and shut the door and locking it she said "I'm so glad you can" smiling wickedly. Thirty minutes later, Evie was fixing her blouse and jacket she said "Thank you Dr. Whale for your help I feel so much better" he pulling up his pants and tucking in his shirt she said "Ruby is taking me out to The Rabbit Hole for my birthday thinking a good time out would do me some good" he said "Well I think a night out would be fine" she turned to him she said "Stupid that you only want me when it's convenient to you" he said "We agreed to the benefits of a fling" she barked back at him "YOU AGREED." He rubbing her arms he said "You know the Madam Mayor wouldn't approve" she said "My mother has her own secrets and with whom she does it with" he said "You never told me who" she said "Ick, aren't you something." She twirled her hair about he said "I am what I am and I have my patient rounds to make" she acted upset she said "You take your job seriously" he said "Got bills to pay unlike you" she said "What is that suppose to mean?". He standing firm she said "Let me remind you I know things such as you and Mrs. Piper I wonder what Mr. Piper would say if he learned it then they would take your license you be out of a job" he angered by her statement he said "You threatening me?" Evie said "Just reminding you that I have power in this town, yes my mother is mayor but I'm far worse so think about that on my birthday what not to do to enrage me because I'm one call away from Sidney Glass editor of The Daily Mirror and your secret will be front page news" he said "Then I'll tell them about us" getting defensive she got up in his face she said "No one would believe you over me because I have friends in high places so I dare you dearie" she took her exit with poise and refine only  leaving him shaken by her threat what he should do.

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