"It's only been a few days since we saw his memories, it's going to take time. But no matter how long it takes we'll wait till they all trust us," France said.

Spain nodded, "Of course, we will."


Massachusetts walked into the kitchen, "Hey guys," She waved at her siblings who were there.

She looked terrible, her eyes were red and hair was messy.

Her sisters rushed over to her, "Don't worry, I'm fine," She sat at the table and put her head down, "I'm just a bit tired."

"Maybe you should head up to bed," Brooklyn said.

Emma shook her head, "Nah, have you guys seen Al by the way?"

"Wasn't he with you?" Nova Scotia asked.

She shook her head, "He was but left before me, I haven't seen him since."

"Maybe Mattie knows where he is," Montana walked out the kitchen to look for her brother.

"Should we start talking with the countries?" Montreal asked, "All we've been doing is glaring at them and I'm pretty sure some of them are scared of us."

"Good," South Carolina said, "Serves them right after all they did to Al."

 "Well, I'm gonna try and make some small talk," She said getting up, "Anyone coming?"

"No," Her siblings all said.

"I want too!!" Honolulu said.

"At least someone's coming," Montreal picked her up, "You coming  Munchkin?" She looked down at Hawaii who paled.

"Is Japan there?" She asked scared before looking down, "I don't want to see him."

Montreal kneeled down, "You don't have to if you don't want to," Her sister quickly nodded.

Montreal got back up with Honolulu in her arms and walked out the kitchen to the living room where the countries were talking quietly, "Ummm... hello."

The countries all looked at her, "Hi!!!" Italy waved, cheerfully.

Honolulu waved back. There was some awkward silence before Montreal spoke again, "I'm Montreal and this is Honolulu. I would like to apologize for my brothers and some of my sisters pointing guns at you guys earlier. They- they're crazy.." She cleared her throat, "And yeah, dinner will be ready soon. Is there anything you guys would like to know about?"

Many countries were glad that at least one of these kids were nice to them, China raised his hand, "Yes, will we be returning to the World Conference building for the meeting?"

She shook her head, "We have a room specially for meetings." 

China nodded and they all sat/ stood in silence, awkward silence.

"Ve~ Where's America?" Italy asked.

"That..... we don't know."

"What do you mean, you don't know?" England asked a bit worried.

"We just can't find him right now," She said, "But don't worry. We'll find him."

"Is he okay?" Spain asked concerned, With the way his son's been acting lately, he was growing even more worried.

Montreal didn't know how to answer that question, so Honolulu did, "Alfie looks sadder and scared, he's always looking away like day dreaming," She said.

"Scared?" England asked under his breath.

Many nation's who saw the change in Alfred's behavior started voicing their concerns. 


Montana walked downstairs to the den where more of her siblings, her cousins, and the nations who knew the states/ provinces, cities, etc were, including Canada since he didn't feel like dealing with the countries at the moment.

"Uh guys, do you know where Alfie is?" She asked.

"Isn't he upstairs with you guys?" Maria asked.

"Well....... no, after Emma came back, she said that he left the office they were in before her and she hadn't seen him since."

Most of them got up and headed upstairs to look.


Brazil knocked on America's bedroom door before entering, he let out a breath of relief when he saw his cousin asleep on the bed.

He was about to leave the room when he heard a whimper and looked back at Alfred. Who was twisting and turning in his sleep, "Please don't leave," He whimpered.

"Al?" He walked towards America.

"Please don't."

He gently shook his cousin to wake him, "Al, come on Al, wake up."

After awhile, America began to stir and looked up at him, "Braz?"

"Are you okay?" He asked.

America had been having a horrible dream of his parents lying to him and hurting him again.

"Yeah, I'm fine," He lied.

Brazil didn't believe him but didn't push it, "We're about to eat. You coming down?"

Alfred shook his head, "Nah, I'm still tired. I'll see you in the morning."

Brazil nodded and got up, he headed towards the door, "And Al?"


"We're here for you."

America smiled and nodded, "I know."

Brazil smiled back and left the room.


After announcing where America was, the countries and states/provinces, cities, etc all sat at the table to eat dinner. Which was very uncomfortable for many countries since the states/provinces, cities, etc of North America were all glaring/ staring at them.

This was gonna be a long few days.


When writing the story of your life... Don't let anyone
hold the pen.





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