Chapter 7 Shopping

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   The woman was still facing shock of being outwitted, and was having a hard time trying to keep her precious secret. She couldn’t hold up much longer, because Elizabeth was just blobbing away, and asking her things that she would nearly answer, but remember not to spill the beans. Elizabeth could get on people’s nerves easily. Her perfected technique was her mouth, asking questions, and blabbering so fast that people would get annoyed. She would just go on and on for hours, because she never had anyone to talk to. Sometimes her parents would get mad at her for talking too much.

              Elizabeth was just on the tip of the iceberg, and close to figuring out what the lady was hiding. “So tell me what is this secret organization? Huh. Huh. Huh.” She said asking the same question over and over again. The lady was just about to crack and everyone knew that. It was just a matter of time.

              “Why don’t you go and buy a few things?” The woman asked, pointing at all of the shelves in the store. Elizabeth nodded her head. Maybe she should try a new tactic of walking away, then the lady would come to her. Elizabeth walked over and there were pretty things all around.

              Then she remembered and asked the lady, “Is my ring ready yet?” The lady just stared at her for a minute.

              After a second she called out to one of her shop workers, “Are you done with the blue sapphire ring?”

              The worker shouted back, “It will be ready in 15 minutes.” This wasn’t very helpful for the lady because she’d have to wait longer. She was already developing a throbbing and painful headache. Could it get any worse for her?

              Elizabeth looked around for food and water she decided to buy stuff you couldn’t hunt in the wild. She picked out some carbs which consisted of: bread, crackers, cheese, granola bars, and much more. She also picked out a couple of fruits. After that she went to the drink aisle and browsed for water. She found big jugs and small water bottles. She pondered in her head, “What would be the best one to get?” Then she thought of how much Mystic could carry. The water bottles then seemed like the best choice, because a bunch of water bottles, are less heavy than a 30 pound water jug.  

              Elizabeth grabbed as many water bottles as she could and was about to check out, until something caught her eye. It was a black cape with beautifully decorated designs. She had been looking for one, because she didn’t want to get sunburnt any further. Her skin was so pale, that she could easily get skin cancer and die. They hadn’t had a cure for skin cancer yet, but they were working it out. It wouldn’t probably be till 1924 till they found a cure. Elizabeth put on the cape and it was just right. Now she sounded like goldy locks from the three bears. She quickly got off that subject because it was way too random.

              After she was done shopping she checked out. Before she left, she asked the mysterious lady, “Please give me information about your secret organization, I will find out eventually.”

               The lady just smiled and said, “Well not today honey. Oh and here’s your ring.” Elizabeth was a little mad when she paid for her groceries. The lady bagged them and spoke to her one last time before Elizabeth left, and said, “Have a nice day.” She waved and Elizabeth was angry, because she left the lady when she should have just stayed, until the lady cracked the egg. She went back to Mystic and put all of their items in the army satchel. Mystic nosed Elizabeth.

              “What do you want?” she asked Mystic. Mystic nosed her nose on Elizabeth and looked down on the ground. “Ahh, you want water. We will get you some right now.” She said softly. Elizabeth reached into the bag and grabbed a water bottle she poured some in a cup and Mystic drank it. It looked as pure as that pond. Maybe it was all of her tears she had been holding back. She couldn’t hold them in any longer and started to sob.

              “Amilio couldn’t have done this, he couldn’t of.” She repeated twice. Elizabeth had tried to toughen up and forget about the incident. Apparently a human couldn’t hold back all of that emotion. It was nearly impossible. She sobbed nearly for thirty minutes.

                 Some kind girl came out and asked her, “What’s wrong, everybody should be celebrating the summer feast.” The girl was as gentle as Elizabeth, and kindly stared at her eyes. “You are so dirty and have so many cuts, come we shall fix you up, and talk about your problem.” The girl wrapped her arm around Elizabeth, and with the other took Elizabeth’s horse. First they stopped at the stable which had the girl’s papa. “Papa, I must take this poor girl and fix her up. Would you be as kind as to look after her horse?” She asked with pleading eyes.

                 “Yes my dear Adeline, I will feed and take care of her dear horse. Now go and get the poor child fixed up.” He said very good-natured. The girl now known as Adeline, led Elizabeth to the house. She wanted to take very good care of Elizabeth, because she wanted to be a very Good-Samaritan. She believed if you helped someone you could either get a friend out of it, or a special wish. Adeline also didn’t like people unhappy, she wanted them to be very joyful. Adeline opened the door to her house with a very cool key. It had stars on it in an intricate pattern to create a heart shape.

              Adeline held out her wrist and said, “You may sit anywhere, I will get your bath ready. In the meantime I’ll turn on some TV.” She pressed the button and turned it on. Elizabeth pondered about why this Adeline girl was helping her. Maybe she was a guardian angel sent from heaven to give Elizabeth some relief, and it felt good.                     


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2014 ⏰

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