Chapter 1 the knife

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 Chapter 1 The Knife

                 Amilio Tiger was watching all over. He was as silent as a tiger trying to sneak around; so quiet so no one would hear him. He crept around his mother and father’s room. In his left hand a knife and in his right hand a letter to whomever found the bodies of his parents. He watched them sleep peacefully for a couple of minutes. All that Amilio ever thought about was how much he hated his parents. They both favored his sister Elizabeth over him and had asked him, many times, why he couldn’t be more like her. Of course nobody understood him, because he had the un-curable disorder, Autism. He always looked normal, but his behaviors were way different from a normal child. He had tons of challenges such as processing information, language delays, he couldn’t interact very well, and his self-esteem was very low. No matter what age, he would always face these terrible and troubling factors of Autism that made him different. He began to ponder in his weird way, and then got an excellent idea.   

                 He wondered if he should kill his sister first and let his parents suffer losing her, while he could turn and run away. “No I want them to all suffer.” He said in a whisper. Then it came back to him, his 11th birthday party, one of his worst memories. His parents didn’t buy him a present and for no reason at all, they had given Elizabeth a wonderful gift. The feeling of his mother just in his presence made him want to stab the living life out of her. After ten minutes of staring at his parents evilly, he silently took the knife and leaned over his mom.

Amilio gathered his feelings of disgust for his mom. And in a quick lift of his arm, stabbed her deep in the stomach.  Blood splattered everywhere as he dug the knife in. He stabbed her repidiatley, over and over. The sheets were soaked with the cruel, rippling pools of blood. His mom began screaming the blood curdling scream of help. She could feel her own heartbeat fading out of her hands. Just as she thought she might be able to gather up enough strength to tap on Amilios dad, Amilio took the knife out of his mom and stabbed her in the neck. She made a little squeal like a pig and died. He laughed at his mother’s death. "Hahahaha, mom that’s what you get for being a terrible mother!" He was about to kill his father, when Elizabeth walked into the room simultaneously.

          “Dad Watch out!” Elizabeth yelled, but it was too late, Amilio had already killed his next victim with a horrid slash to the heart.

          “I’m going to stab you Elizabeth; you’re going to die just like them!” He yelled running toward her with anger and frustration.

          “No I will not die and I will never give up!” she yelled as she ran for her life. She contemplated in her head, why would her little brother do this? Was he jealous, maybe of how much attention she got? She began to tear up with the bitterest tears; she loved her little brother dearly and knew he was a wonderful person no matter his disabilities. That minute she stopped running, and so did Amilio. “Amilio how could you do this, to our parents?” Elizabeth questioned.

          “Don’t pretend that you don’t know why I’m going to kill you, and why I have killed our parents.” Amilio told her with lots of emotion pouring out.

          “No I’m confused, why would you want to kill this family, we all love you dearly.” Elizabeth cried.

          “No, our parents think I’m a pile of moving trash.” Amilio said with one tear barley slipping out of his eyelid.

          “Why would you think that?” Elizabeth asked perturbed.

          “Well first of all, they always want me to be more like you, and give you a present on my birthday; I never get anything!” Amilio yelled. Elizabeth pondered, she was the only one who loved Amilio. Her parents would always push him out of the picture and put the spot-light on her. She felt her brother’s pain and great agony.

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