Chapter 3 20 miles away

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Elizabeth and Mystic journeyed farther on their adventure. They had left the peculiar little pond with an ample supply of water. By now it was noon, the middle of the day. Elizabeth was beginning to burn from the heat of the sun hitting her head/neck. If she did not get to the town soon enough she might be dried up, and baked in the sun ready for the vultures to come pick off what little meat was left on her bones. Mystic was also beginning to feel the heat but worse, because she was covered with very thick hair. I mean the thick hair could be an advantage too, because it prevents animals from getting a sun burn but still. They were 20 miles away from the nearest town stranded in the middle of Nevadan desert unless they kept on walking forward in the same direction.  

                The town they were going to was named Winstontown. “Mystic just hold on for a little bit. We will be there at sundown.” Elizabeth said pushing Mystic forward. They kept walking towards the sun. For hours on end in hot and blazing sun they traveled. Their water and food supply only lasted for so long until they ran out. Elizabeth began to regret ever running away. Maybe she should have faced death and her pain would be over. This was one of those endless ‘What if’ questions.  Mystic suddenly perked her ears up, and that was a bad sign that something was wrong. When horses put their ears up you know it’s bad. Elizabeth got off of her horse and searched the perimeter. Nothing seemed to be out of place, though the scene was a bit eerie.

                 All Elizabeth saw was the wide open Nevada desert trying to pull her underneath its skin, and kill her. There were also tons of creepy crawlies walking around on the earth. How would she survive everything that was thrown at her until she arrived at Winstontown? After a minute of staring at the ground, a scorpion walked by. It was big and black with a pointy stinger. Elizabeth backed away slowly. “Kill me lord now, please just kill me now.” She pleaded to the sky. It edged closer and closer to her, until it heard something, and went to burro down in the ground. “Next time instead of praying to god I don’t believe in I should really teach myself how to squash a scorpion.” She thought out loud. Elizabeth was embarrassed that she hadn’t toughened up yet and would show the scorpion who’s boss next time.


          Suddenly the ground began to rumble a slight rumble. It wasn’t the loudest, but it sure wasn’t quiet. It was getting closer and closer, and the ground began shaking. Both Mystic and Elizabeth feared for their lives. “What was happening?” Elizabeth asked herself. Mystic began to move away and so Elizabeth yelled to mystic, “Stay girl, we’ll leave in a second.” Mystic decided to wait for her trusty pall. The horse had nowhere to go anyway, so why not wait. Elizabeth was the trustiest owner Mystic could ever get and would never doubt her again. There was no one better for the job than Elizabeth Tiger. 

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