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Alex sat crying in their room. How could someone do that to them. How could he do that to them. He was supposed to be their friend not someone who fucking assaults them in their own damn bedroom!

Alex could feel themselves start to dissociate and somehow that made them cry even harder. Soon though, they heard the familiar voice of the one person who has been with them since the beginning.

"Hey kid," Scratch said softly, coming up to front to be with Alex. They barely noticed her though because they were so far gone in their own mind. It was like trying to talk to someone who was underwater, you knew there was noise but you couldnt understand or respond.

Scratch noticed how bad it was with their partner and knew she had to do something about it.

"Hey, come back to me kid. Don't leave, stay with me ok? Don't disappear on me. Just listen to my voice its gonna be ok. I'm here. It's alright. Come back to me" Scratch repeated this over and over and slowly Alex started to come back to reality.

They sighed and wiped their tears but couldn't manage to say anything. So Scratch decided to come up and sit next to where alex was sitting inspace. The two just stayed like that for a while, side by side, both lost in their own thoughts. Until Scratch put her hand down next to where Alex's was. For a second scratch was worried that they had dissociated again, but then they slowly moved to put their hand on top of hers. With a smile, Alex looked over at scratch and mouthed "thank you" and scratch gave their hand a tight squeeze.

At that moment, they both knew everything was going to be alright. 

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