They all pretended that they didn't notice.

France walked over to his North American children, "Bonjour chers, how have you all been doing?"

"Fine," Three of them said, not saying anything else at all.

France frowned as he looked at America who hadn't said anything and looked pretty stressed out right now, "Are you okay, mon fils?"

Alfred didn't seem to notice France talking to him, his mind was racing. His heart started to pace, why was France here? Did he want to comment on his weight or something? What was it?

Maybe he was over reacting.


You can never be too careful.

"Al?" He heard his twin ask, "Earth to the United States of America."

"Yeah!?" He jumped in surprised.

"I asked if you were okay," France said again.

Like you actually care.

"Oh! I'm fine -Pa- France!!!" He said almost letting the word Papa slip.

No, I'm scared that you'll hurt me again.

"Are you sure?" France asked a bit worried.

No, I'm not... I'm terrified inside.

"If you need to talk to me, I'm here," France said before walking off.

Please don't go.

He sighed as he watched France walk off, he really wanted to become closer with his parents? But would it be worth it? Would everything be alright after that, or would they just hurt him again?

After the memories, he thought that everything would be okay. But he was wrong.

Oh so very wrong.


The meeting finally started, for the first 30 minutes, things were alright. But after that, it started to play out like a normal world meeting.

A lot of yelling, running around, playing. You know, just a normal world meeting.

Canada, who really wanted to go home, sent America a look. Alfred nodded and went into one of his jacket pockets before handing him a gun.

He mouthed a thanks and pointed the gun up before shooting three times.

That quieted it down, some nations looked scared.

"Oh calm down, it was just blanks," Canada said before handing the gun back to America, "Anyway, since I want to leave, let's just hurry this up please."

From there, nations were actually behaving.

But while the meeting was going on, America was staring at the window looking at the birds.

He smiled as he watched them fly without a care in the world. He wished that he could be like that, be like them.


Free from being scared that everyone was lying and would hurt him again. Free from all the pain of the past. Free from things holding him back. Just free.

"Birds are so lucky," He muttered under his breath.

He would love to fly away from his problems and be free.

"Well, I guess, we should start heading to the vans," Canada said, snapping America out of his thoughts.

While countries started to pile out the room, America called their siblings to give them a heads up.

"Hello?" Vancouver answered the phone.

"Hey Van, can you put me on speaker?" He asked.

"Hold on.... okay, your on."

"Look guys... your not gonna like this but..... the countries have to come over for a meeting discussing trade. We'll be there in about 20 minutes, okay?"

It was quiet on the other end.




America heard things crashing and yelling. He had to take his ear away from the phone. He could only hope that the younger ones weren't in the room.

It got quiet again.

"Yeah, okay," Vancouver came back on and said.

"You guys okay?"

"No, we have to see those motherfucking countries, we're not okay. See you later," She hung up.

Alfred put his phone in his pocket and started to walk out.

"Sounds like they didn't take it well," Brazil said as he walked with America.

"Didn't expect them too," He sighed, he could just hope that the next few days would pass fast.


It was decided that Mexico and America would drive the large three vans filled with countries to Canada's house.

After a long 15 minute drive, they got to the large mansion.

But outside the house, there were people who looked like teens dressed miltary clothes with guns at their sides. One of them, who was probably  the leader was out in front.

"What are they doing?" Argentina asked America and Maria who just shrugged.

"Attention!!!" The leader called out.

The ones behind him stood up straight.

"Guns out men!!" He called out. They all got their guns and pointed at the countries some of which looked scared while the ones who knew the states/ provinces, cities, and territories just laughed.

Canada just shook his head at them all, mostly the leader.

What was Texas doing?

"Okay, maggots!!" Texas called out, "Ground Rules!! If any of you break anything, you pay it back!! If you steal  anything, we will find out and kick your ass!! And lastly, if you say any hurtful to Al," Texas fired some shots into the air, "I will hunt you down to the ends of the Earth and kill you!!!"

Some countries' jaws dropped.

Another teen dressed in miltary uniform came forward next to Texas, "Your on our territory now!! Our turf!! I suggest you all behave yourseleves while your here!! Or else..." His tone of voice scared some countries while Canada just shook his head.

What was Ottawa doing now?

"Okay guys," Maria said walking up the driveway, "You scared them enough."

Spain looked at America, "Mijo, who are they?"

"Well Pa- Spain!! These guys are some of the states, provinces, territories, capitals, and most populated cities of North America!!!" He said to the countries who didn't know.


Fools take a knife and stab people in the back.
The wise take a knife, cut the cord, & free themselves from the fools.


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