Fox Tail Forest Chapter Two

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Chapter Two:The Game Changer

After that, Mom just stood up and left the room like nothing had just happened. It was weird, but not as weird as what happened next. Nothing. After what happened, I expected her to like banish from the house or something. But, she didn't. Mom continued on, doing everything she usually does. The only difference was she treated me differently. She still took care of me, still acted nice, wasn't mean or anything, but I could tell. Where she used to hug every day when I came home from school and when I went bed at night, she now just said good night or how was your day in stead. I guess I shouldn't have expected things to stay the exact same as things were before, but it was just weird.

About 2 or 3 weeks past until I finally got up the courage to ask the question that was on everyone's minds. So one day, at dinner, while we were talking about our days, I suddenly blurted out, "mom, why do you not ask about it, that one day?" Mom just said "I don't know,"


That's it for chapter two! I know it was veryy short but hopefully chapter three will be longer!





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