Attention Target Shoppers! & Dirty Vegas

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I woke up to sunlight streaming in a window and the warm rays hitting me in the face.

At first my head retreated under the pillow in my comfortable bed until I realized I wasn't in my bed. Being disowned hadn't been a bad dream, and I didn't have a bed to call my own any more. So, who's bed was I in?

The events from the night before were a little hazy to me. I remembered walking the pier and seeing all the pretty night lights, but things kind of get fuzzy after that.

I got up from the bed and realized I was still wearing the same clothes from the night before. It wasn't like me to sleep in my clothes like that, well, not that often. Why couldn't I remember even going to bed? Shouldn't that be something everyone remembers?

I walked across the bedroom and opened the door and walked into the living room. I scanned the furniture and noticed Gerard was sleeping on the couch he had banned me to only the night before...So was I sleeping in his bed? Did he let me sleep in his bed? No, I'm sure if I had fallen asleep in his bed he would have made sure to wake me up and get into an argument with me before eventually kicking me out.

Okay.... I'm confused.

Frank! He'll know what happened!

I quickly crossed the living room and began to non-stop knock on Frank's bedroom door.

It took a few minutes, but Frank opened the door and began to speak without looking at me, "Gerard, I only got to sleep three hours ago! This better be freakin' important-... Oh, you're not Gerard." he interrupted himself when he saw me.

"Nope." I said quietly.

Frank smiled, "You and Gee knock scarily alike."

"Creepy." I muttered as I made a mental note to remind myself to find a new rapid knock.

"So what's up?" Frank asked as he dragged his hand across his cheek and chin, trying to wake himself up some more.

"Why was I sleeping in Gerard's room and why is he rocking the couch?" I asked, getting straight to the point. I didn't see any need to beat around the bush this early in the morning.

"Do you remember what happened last night?" Frank asked back, replacing what was supposed to be his answer with another question.

"Parts of it." I replied.

"Gerard found you and brought you back to the hotel. You passed out so Gee put you in his room while the rest of us talked." Frank said.

"What did you guys talk about?" I asked.

Frank shrugged his shouldered, "Anything and everything."

I could tell Frank was avoiding trying to tell me exactly what they had talked about, but I decided not to press it at the moment. If I was still curious I could try again later.

"So what's the plan for today?" I asked.

"Today we pack up and move on the next venue." Frank said.


The band and I piled onto the bus a few hours later. All the guys went straight to the back of the bus and climbed into their respective bunks. I guessed it was because they were all still tired from staying up really late to talk the night before. If I were them, I'd probably do the same thing. On the other hand, I planted myself on the couch and made myself comfortable with a great view out of the window for the upcoming road trip.

A little while after we had gotten on the road, I felt a vibration in my pocket. I pulled out a cell phone and realized it was Connor's phone and he was calling me. I picked up the call and said, "Hello?"

Happy Birthday To MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon