Bouncer Dude Needs To Move

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I decided if I was going to go to a club and listen to the band, I might as well dress up a little bit. But finding something nice to wear in my pathetic little duffel bag was rather pointless so I just decided to go with my cleanest set of clothes instead.

I grabbed my duffel bag and occupied the nearest bathroom where I decided I deserved to take a shower. I turned on the water and cranked the hat water knob just about as hot as it would go. I decided to save my overnight bag and used the shampoo, conditioner, and soap the hotel provided.

As soon as I was finished with my shower I turned off the water, wrapped a towel around myself, and stepped out of the shower. A loud, angry sounding knock on the door caught me by surprise and nearly made me slip on the slick tiled floor.

"Who is it?" I called in a sickly sweet tone. I had a pretty good idea of who it was though.

"Hurry up and get out of the bathroom!" Gerard shouted from the other side of the door.

"Okay! Let me put some clothes on first!" I shouted back as a smirk spread across my face.

That stopped Gerard, or at least he couldn't think of anything to come back with so he shut up.

I changed into a pair of gray skinny jeans and a purple Forever The Sickest Kids shirt. After I straightened my hair I was basically done, but I didn't have to keep the bathroom hostage any more so I decided to be nice and let Gerard have it.

I gathered up my stuff and exited the bathroom, but as soon as I opened the door Gerard practically bum-rushed me to get in muttering something about being behind schedule and something about it being my fault.


I hardly spent twenty minutes total in the bathroom.

And you know what? Last time I checked, the hotel suite had two bathrooms. It's not my fault that Frank and I managed to snag a bathroom before Gerard could.

"Aaaaahhhhh! The water's cold!" Gerard screamed.

I couldn't help but giggle. If I were him I would have waited a little longer to start up the water.

A moment later, Frank came out of the other bathroom wearing a pair of black pants, no shirt, and a white towel on his head. Yeah, I'll admit it, I looked.

"What was that noise?" Frank asked, looking confused as hell.

"Oh, uhh, Gerard yelled cuz he didn't wait long enough for the water to heat up." I answered.

"So he's taking a cold shower?" Frank questioned with his jaw dropped.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I guess so." I answered quietly.

"Great." Frank groaned, "He hates cold showers. He's going to be pissed tonight."

"Oh fun." I said sarcastically.

Gerard eventually came out of the bathroom dressed, make-up on, ready to go, and pissed off like hell.

Frank and I had been sitting on the couch waiting for Gerard and bored as hell.

"Ready?" Gerard questioned as he slid on a pair of sunglasses.

"Let's go." Frank replied as he stood up and I stood up as well.

Gerard stared directly at me and growled, "You can't come." before he stormed out of the hotel suite.

Frank turned back to me and smiled, "He's just kidding. C'mon, we've got to hurry or we'll be late for the gig."

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