chat : 30

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no question lol but how was your day?

brendon sat in his living room and sipped on a glass of wine, it was a weekend so he was winding down for the upcoming saturday. he watched the late night show that he didn't pay attention to but would catch snippets of comedy as he zoned in and out. his phone brought him to full attention, the device rang loudly beside him; he picked it up and turned it over, smiling when he read the name:
ryro <3

he answered the phone pressing it to his ears, "hey ry, what's up?" brendon asked, his smile disappearing into thin air as he heard the way ryan was crying. "can i come over or something? i just-- please?" brendon was already on his feet before ryan could finish his sentence. pressing his phone to his shoulder as he searched for a jacket. "yeah, i'll come get you, where are you?" brendon asked slipping his feet into his shoes and leaving his house. ryan sputtered out a street name and a house number. "okay, babe, i'm on my way."

somehow, with how distressed ryan was at the moment, that one term of endearment made him calm and shook the sleeping butterflies in his stomach. "thank you, you're amazing." ryan whispered through the phone and waiting for brendon to show up after hanging up. he sat on the curb, his body scrunched up knees firmly pressed to his chest. he wiped the tears that still silently fell down his cheeks, burning his cold skin.

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