chat : 18

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"right, listen-" brendon began but paused when sarah leaned in to kiss him, he let the kiss happen, feeling a sharp pain in us chest. ryan sat and watched, he willed himself not to cry, successfully he watched the scene unfold.

"sarah, i've got a student right now, you can't be in here." brendon sighed, a frown appearing on sarah's face before she peeked her pretty head in. her eyes met with ryans sad ones and she paused. "oh dear, what's wrong?" sarah asked taking both men off guard. "i don't think now is a g-"

"nonsense he's obviously upset, doll what's wrong?" she asked once she sat in the desk in front of him, facing away from the board. ryan sat panicked as he looked between the two adults. "it's nothing, don't worry about it; mr. urie is detention over?" ryan asked quickly, staring at the floor instead of looking his teacher in the eyes.

"no, you're not leaving till you tell me what's wrong; can't have a pretty boy like you all sad." sarah said sweetly, her motherly instincts coming through, ryan looked at her pleading eyes before he swallowed. something about her soft features made him want to spill his guts to her.

"there's... there's this boy, and he's- he's older. we were talking for a while and then i told him i liked him, he said he liked me back." ryan spoke nervously, since the boy he was talking about was right in front of him. "but, he has a girlfriend; and he lied about who he was but i- i still really like him, i don't know what to do because-" ryan brought his eyes from the floor to brendon's who was already looking at him. "his girlfriend, she doesn't deserve to be hurt like that... and neither do i." he finished, blinking away from his teacher brendon knew what his student meant and knew he was right.

sarah cooed and rubbed ryans wrist with her soft hands. "i think you should talk to him, tell him that's not how you want to be treated, you seem like a good young man; you shouldn't have to put up with that- you deserve better." sarah finished with an empathetic smile, patting ryans hand sweetly. "okay, now get out of here- go tell your lover boy how you feel!" the phrasing of her words and the emphasis made ryan giggle lightly as he picked up his things. "thank you." ryan added as he stood up but sarah waved him off like it was nothing. "bye mr. urie" ryan said coldly as he passed him not looking into brendon's longing ones as he watched him move to the door, "i'll see you monday, ryan. take care." brendon spoke through sad eyes when he heard the door close and a hand slip into his own.

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