Introduction to Pagan Holidays

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These pages are not meant to be a definitive reference. In fact, they are a very personal view of the Pagan holidays, encompassing not only general information on each holiday, but also the outline of my own personal rites and celebrations. As an eclectic solitary, I use bits of many different traditions, suiting them to fit my own beliefs.

Be aware that "Pagan" is only a broad, general term, as is "Christian". Catholics celebrate many holidays that Baptists do not, and even the holidays they share they sometimes celebrate in different ways. The same is true of Pagans, different traditions will celebrate somewhat different holidays. Because Pagan holidays are tied to the seasons or celestial events, they often "move around" on the calendar as well. Pagans in Australia are celebrating Spring Equinox when I am celebrating the Vernal Equinox. That is an extreme example, but even Pagans living closer to each other will have some variation. Harvest of the grains, Lammas or Lughsdah, would occur at different times in different climates.

So...what you will find here is a calendar of the holidays as celebrated by one little solitary eclectic neo-Pagan in the United States, drawing on Wiccan, Native American, and other traditions. I will try and give some information about the traditional meaning of the holiday, as well as a few words about how I personally chose to celebrate it. 

One book that I have found to have an excellent basic explanation of the holidays is "Principles of Paganism" by Vivianne Crowley, but there is a wealth of information on the Internet and in books, as well as individuals on their many paths who are willing to share with interested learners.

One book that I have found to have an excellent basic explanation of the holidays is "Principles of Paganism" by Vivianne Crowley, but there is a wealth of information on the Internet and in books, as well as individuals on their many paths who ar...

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