After Bran was moved inside, Jaidyn paced around the room as Maester Luwin assess the damages. Caitlyn had tried to get her to stop but it seems as if Jaidyn were put in an autopilot mode. After having enough of Jaidyn pace, Caitlyn stood and approached the girl. She placed her hands on her shoulders before looking into her eyes. "I know it is scary, Jai but you must be the one to keep the strength. I cannot leave my son now but I also have three more outside that door waiting. I need you now more than ever to help me. Take the children somewhere and get them settled. Then go find the hunting party and tell my husband what has happened."

Jaidyn stared at the woman in front of her who had tears running down her face and reality seemed to snap her out of her trance. Caitlyn wiped the dried tears from Jaidyn's face then kissed her head before moving back to the bedside.

Jaidyn looked to Bran again before walking to him kissing his forehead and walking out the room. As soon as she emerged from the room, three Starks ran to her asking questions and trying to find out what had happened.

Rickon wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his face in her stomach. Arya held onto her arm with a tight grip and pleading eyes. Sansa Stark stood as poised as she could but Jaidyn could see under through her and knew the girl was close to breaking down in tears.

"We need to get you three to a room before I can do anything else." The three children looked at her with a questioning look before she spoke again. "I promise I will come to you with everything I know after I get your father."

Before they could even try to protest, she had taken them to Sansa's room. She put Rickon and Arya onto the bed and turned to Sansa. "Be sure to stay here until I come back. Is that understood?" She gave them forehead kisses before exiting.

As soon as Jaidyn was out the door, she ran to the stables to saddle a horse. Mounting it as quickly as she could she bolted out of the gates in the direction she had seen the hunting party go.

She traced for what seemed like hours before she could hear familiar talking of the King. She kicked the horse to go faster. She didn't see the arrow coming toward her until it had narrowly missed her.

"Are you insane, Jai? We could have killed you!" Robb Stark's voice rang out but she had more important things to discuss.

Her eyes roamed the hunting party before they landed on Ned Stark. He could already see the panic in her eyes and questioned her quickly. "What?" The others around them grew with curiously of what was happening.

Jaidyn's chest heaved but answered quickly. "Your need back at Winterfell immediately." Her next words shook the people who knew Bran well. "Bran has fallen."

Ned wasted no time climbing his horse and riding to Winterfell.

Jaidyn waited till Robb, Theon and Jon were on the horses before turning and riding to Winterfell. Her horse was fast and she was able to catch up to the frantic father as they rode into the gate. The stable boys were ready to put the horse up seeing as how frantic the castle was.

Jaidyn followed quickly after Ned with the three boys on her heels. As they approached the door to Bran's room they waited outside. Robb then approached Jaidyn worried about her state of mind. Jaidyn's eyes met his and before he could ask, she answered bluntly, "I'm fine."

Not longer after, Maester Luwin exited the room and turned to those in the hallway. "Tonight will determine if he lives or dies. If he does survive, there is a high chance he will not walk again." His face saddened of what he had to say.

The Black Bear 》Robb StarkWhere stories live. Discover now