"Ok, that was just rude." I snorted before going back over to where Selina was. She had stood up and was brushing her light grey biker jacket off. "You done?" I asked edging toward her cautiously.

"Yeah." She straightened up. "Are those idiots out of the van yet."

"Nope. Evita's being a bitch and Maureen is mad at Mimi and Evita for waking her up."

"Great. I'll go get them." She said, flipping her hair over her shoulder and tightening her bandana.

Seconds later the trouble makers came around the van, being dragged by the ears behind Selina.

"Alright, knock it off you two. And Evita, lay off Angel. She is helping us and is one of us. You'd do well to remember that. Besides, Jade can go in the van." Selina warned, releasing Evita and Maureen, who bent over and clutched their ears.

I smirked at them and turned to look down at Maureen.

"Ok. So there is something killing people in the area around L.A."

"Well that's hardly news." Mimi remarked before turning back to the scowling Maureen, who gave Mimi the middle finger.

"There are several people that have been kicked out of restaurants with bars and questioned by the police after initiating bar fights that have resulted in casualties. But the weird thing is that the people have no memory of it, and don't seem like, at least according their friends, people who would start fights, let alone kill people. I think this is likely a demon or several trying to wreck havoc on a community."

And with that, Maureen turned to Selina and held a hand out for a lollipop. Selina happily complied, pulling one out of her jacket pocket and tossing it at Maureen's head.

That being done with we separated and I climbed up the back of the van
and crawled through the door to My Area.

I watched through my open window like a cat on a balcony as Maureen, Evita, and Mimi loaded the jugs of holy water into the back of the van before stepping in and closing the doors.

I crawled over to the porthole in the "floor" of My Area. The comm system was on, and I could hear them chattering as Selina stepped into the car. She sat in the driver's seat and turned the ignition.

I yelled, "YIPPIDEE YAY IT'S A BRAND NEW DAY MOTHERFUCKERS," into the comm and laughed as they jumped. Maureen turned in her chair and buried her head in a pillow.

"Buckle the fuck up, Short Stuff. I don't want to be held responsible for your death." Selina looked back at Maureen with an accusing look.

With a turn of the key in the ignition, we rumbled back onto the road.

Like many other days, I stared down into the van. It was old, of course—passed down from Mimi's dad to her, and, in extension, the rest of us. I had never bothered to remember the model or whatever, as it was irrevelant to me.

 It had brown leather seats in a row against one wall, and on the passenger's side, midway between the back of the van and the driver's seat, there was a single sliding door, and next to that, directly behind the passenger seat, was a bolted-down bookshelf, overstuffed with playbills and those thick, heavy books Selina loved. 

Of course, they were all held in place by blue bungee cords. The floor was strewn with rumpled blankets, colorful pillows, portable battery cords, random lengths of pipe, a wide variety of locked boxes and wires, an obscene number of lollipop wrappers and sticks, salt packets, soda bottles, half empty ammo boxes and salt rounds, and other assorted and completely unrelated junk.

 The windows in the front (the only ones) were darkened, and barely let in enough light to see the faded gray demon wards and protective sigils Selina had painted on the backs of the seats with her amazing fine motor skills.

 Not to mention the walls were painted a rich, deep, sparkly blue (the outside was a nice, silvery gray), covered almost completely with posters for a wide variety of musicals, books, comics, TV shows, and movies. I shuddered. I was glad I couldn't get in. That place looked filthy.

1915 words
Bold= Canica Underlined = Fiona

Hello, our readers! It's us, the wonderful writers of this soon-to-be masterpiece! Before this story is continued, we wanted to add some stuff for you to think about.

The inspiration for our OCs are us and our closest friends. We are obviously not exactly like we are in real life in the story, but we're close enough. Also, Sam and Dean won't be entering until about the 5th (maybe earlier???) chapter, and Castiel won't enter until a little bit after that. We are only on the third season of Supernatural (I know I know I got some serious binge watching to do), and we want to be able to write Castiel as accurately as possible, and having him enter later will give us time to catch up to at least the fourth season, where he makes his introduction.

Also, yes, there will be Destiel (we haven't even seen Dean and Cas interact yet and we're already shippers lol 😂).

For those of you wondering why Angel can't go in the van, and who Jade is, well, you gotta wait and see! It'll become more obvious as the story progresses, so stay tuned!

PS the people sharing this account (so we can both write on the same story) also have seperate accounts you might like: @CanicaTheDog and @artemis1225 (this is really the only account I'm writing on so...)

~ peace out! 

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