If Anyone Asks It's Because of My Pregnancy

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// Hermione //

It's been forever since i've been in my own appartment. My own bed. My own schedule.

Fuck, I'm so behind in work.

I tried to convince Astoria to at least stop at my office for a second and grab the cases so that I could work on them and not have to live at the ministry for the next two months trying to get back on track. She just rolled her eyes at me and murmured, "How the bloody hell can you be such a goody-two shoes, Granger?" And slammed the door, locking it. I frowned at the door.

Pregnancy hasn't been the most fun thing either, waking up every morning emptying my already empty stomach into the toilet and then laying there until I believe that I could actually support myself instead of falling to the ground in a heap and staying there like the stubborn person I am.

I was bored. It sucked being locked in a room with almost nothing to do. There was a decent size bookshelf full of wizard books, but i've already completed 3/4 of the shelf and i'm trying to savor the books one book a day just to make sure that I have enough to read until Astoria lets me out of this stupid place.

Speaking of Astoria, I haven't seen her in a long time. Most of the time house elves deliver me food, which always makes me want to fold my arms and turn my nose up at the food... but then I get hungry.

I jumped up from my chair as I heard voices in the hall.

For a second there were only footsteps, suggesting one person was there. Then I heard a male voice, "Astoria do you really think this is worth all of this?" I recognized the voice of the male, Theodore Nott from my year at Hogwarts. Astoria scoffed, "Absolutely. You remember how Draco treated me all those years at Hogwarts. Terrible. Always was talking about Granger this, Granger that. He never realized that I was the only one who would actually listen to him or that I was the one to care for him. Nope, it was all about Granger."

I heard Nott's voice again, growing quieter as they got further away from the door, "Wait so what is your plan again? You're going to keep Granger locked up for a while until you slip Draco that love potion that makes her mad at him and you get him and she goes away and you and Draco live happily ever after?" Astoria giggled, "Granger's more dense than I expected, still believes Draco would cheat on her..." The two of them were so far away I had to press her ear against the door and hold my breath for a solid ten seconds to hear the rest.

"You mean you and him didn't..." Astoria scoffed, "Please, Draco can be an idiot sometimes but you and I both know he wouldn't cheat on her." The footsteps faded and it was silent.

Tears flooded my vision.

If anyone asks it's because of my pregnancy.

I sobbed into my hands. I'm the worst wife ever. He tried to tell me. He tried so hard to tell me that he didn't do it. That Reeta Skeeter was lying, trying to stir up drama. But I had ran away. Because I was a coward. I ran away from my problems instead of facing them. I sobbed into my hands and continued to sob until I heard a bang downstairs.

A scream rang through the empty halls and my heart beat jumped.

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