Hello Greengrass

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// Draco //

I sat in the booth at Hermione's favorite muggle coffee shop and waited. And waited. And waited some more, until the girl I was waiting for appeared.

She plopped herself down, her hair flying, her eyes fuming, "You have five minutes." I gave her a look, "You believe Hermione?" I asked.

Ginny rolled her eyes, "Of course I believe her Draco! Because that's what you do! You believe your best friend and take their side. That's just what you do. Besides the prophet had some evidence." I shook my head at her, "Rita Skeeter lied! You should know that! With everything Potter went through with the bloody prophet."

A muggle frowned at me as she walked past. I glared at her. Ginny sighed, "Give me one good reason why I should believe you Draco. You were the sex god at Hogwarts and slept with anybody and everybody." I glared at her, "That's not true! It was a rumor! I was a virgin until Hermione!" Ginny raised an eyebrow, "Seriosuly?" I nodded, "Yes. Pansy made up so many rumors."

Ginny frowned but looked a little less determined, "So what really happened at the pub then?" I sighed, "Will you believe me if I told you?" She shrugged, "Maybe." I raised my eyebrow at her. She sighed, "Alright, no." I groaned, "First of all I would never be caught dead looking at Astoria like that. Yes I did look at her by not in a suggestive way. I was only looking because Blaise was drunk and was practically practicing his stripping skills on her leg."

Ginny pursed her lips. I could tell she was debating. I was so close, close to getting Ginny to transfer to my side and help me get my wife, the woman bearing my child back in my life. She opened her mouth to speak when a high pitch, giggly, voice of the devil herself screamed, "Drakie!?"

Astoria Greengrass in the sluttiest dress I've seen since the last time I'd seen her ran over and hugged me as I sat in the booth. Ginny's jaw had been frozen on the ground but now has been picked back up, "Hello Greengrass." She spat. Astoria grinned at her, "Hello Weasley. Talking with my love are you? Hope you're not planning on stealing him like that Granger did. Poor girl didn't know who she was messing with." Ginny raised her eyebrow at me.

"Is that so?" She asked. Astoria nodded enthusiastically. "And how long have you two been in 'love'?" Astoria grinned, "oh about five months. Accidentally let it slip recently though." She giggled. "And were you aware that he was married to Hermione?" Astoria nodded. "And that she was pregnant?" Astoria giggled and nodded.

Ginny was practically as red as her hair, "Right well I'll be leaving now. You two have a good life." She said, standing and marching off.

I pulled the slug off my body and ran after her. "Ginny! Ginny wait!" I called. She spun around and shoved me into an alley. "I hope you know that if we weren't currently in the muggle world I would so hex you right now." I groaned, "Ginny, I swear everything she said is not true!" She shook her head, "I was stupid to believe you."

I frowned, "Wait you believed me?" She nodded, "For a millisecond. Goodbye Ferret." She apparated on spot.

I heard someone walking in heels and came out of the alley to catch Astoria. I held her against the wall of the shop. She grinned, "Man you haven't pinned me up like this since sixth year." I pushed my anger aside to apparate to my manor.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" I said shoving her away. She scowled, "Shat are you talking about?" I glared at her, "You know exactly what I'm talking about, you faked being in love with me in front of Ginny and the whole world." She nodded, "So?" I glared at her,"So, why did you do it? It's not like you're in love with me."

She glared at me, "Payback." I rolled my eyes, "What the hell would you need to pay me back for?" She glared at me, "In seventh year, you chose pansy over me." My jaw dropped, "Are you insane?"

She glared at me, "I told you I'd get you back." I glared at her as she walked to the door, "So you sabotage my marriage. And start a fight with me and my wife?" She winked at me, "It's going pretty well too, don't you think?" She said and giggled, closing the door.

I growled and threw the lamp on the table against the wall and reveled in the power. Because I felt so helpless now.


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