The Reminder Of Him And The Feelings He Gave Me

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// Hermione //

I sat across from the man named Matt. He had given me all of my parents information and everything and was now talking about my parents' house.

"-four bedrooms and three bathrooms. It has a nice big yard and a tall fence. I believe you will get a lot of money from it." I smiled slightly. Matt frowned, "Are you alright, Mrs. Malfoy." I winced, "Please, call me Hermione." He nodded, "Alright, Hermione, are you alright?" I shrugged, "I guess it just is a terrible situation to be in. You know? Your parents dying and you being an only child is left with all the responsibilities."

He clasped my hand, which a week ago I would've pulled quickly back from for I had a husband. But now I smiled at the gesture. It's not that I had feelings for him but I was thankful for the gesture. "Thank you, Matt. For everything, really." He nodded, "Of course Mrs.-" he cleared his throat, "I mean- Hermione."

I smiled and wiped my mouth with the napkin. "Should we visit the house?" He asked, standing up. I nodded, following him out of the restaurant and to his car.

As we were driving I noticed a slight tear in my skirt and glanced sideways at him to see if he was looking. "Don't be afraid of performing magic in front of me, Hermione. I told you, I know all about magic." I nodded, "Right. Sorry, I forgot." He nodded.

I whispered a spell under my breath and it mended itself.

"Right, we're here." He said. I looked up to see a huge house behind a black iron gate.  The house was truly beautiful, like one you see in the movies. There was a beautiful guarded on the lawn in the front yard and rows of flowers next to the path headed to the front steps. The house was white with brown window sills, giving it a rustic type feel.

"Wow." I said. He nodded, "It is quite a house. Turns out they've always wanted this house, you know how they came here for their honeymoon?" I nodded, opening the gate. "Well, they stayed at the resort across the way over there." He pointed to a huge building on the beach. "And one night they were walking and they saw this house and have wanted it ever since."

"No one lived here?" I asked. "Yes they did but they were actually looking into selling their house and moving into a condo type place. The owners were quite old, you see." I nodded, "I understand."

"I'll leave you here. Here are the keys and a spare set. I guess that's kind of it. The day you leave leave the keys in the flower pot on the porch over there, but other than that you're all set and I'll put this baby up for sale." I smiled at him, "Thank you, really." He nodded, "Anything I can do to help." He nodded and walked out of the yard and to his car.

I turned back to the house and walked to the door, my fingers shaking as I put in the keys. I walked into the house and immediately a warm feeling overtook my body. Granted, nobody has lived there for a half a year but it was still a home of a loving family.

The front entrance was filled with flowers, that were now dead, and picture frames. Which was the safest thing I've seen for a while now. Not as bad as their dead, cold bodies in their caskets.

I picked up a picture of the two of them. It was refreshing to see their faces again. A sob escaped my mouth and a tear slid down my cheek. I missed them. I missed them more than I ever imagined possible. It wasn't a thought that hurt me it was physical pain. A feeling of someone punching my stomach repeatedly.

Regret ran through me. I could've avoided this. I killed them. It was my fault. My fault they were dead. I could have moved them somewhere else and I might've been able to go back to them. Sobs racked my body and I gasped for breath as my knees buckled underneath me and I fell to the ground, the picture frame of their faces smashing into shards of glass next to me.

I gasped and closed my eyes. I mentally screamed bloody war. Panic attack. Sadly, this really wasn't a new feeling for me. I was used to it. But I couldn't come out of one by myself.

It hit me that I could die. There was no Ginny, no Harry. But mostly... no Draco. Draco helped me out of my panic attacks. He's hug me and whisper in my ear and I focused on his words and I settled into his arms and cried into his shoulder. The smell of parchment and cologne would soothe me and I missed it.

I gasped for breath as the tears got thicker and I panicked. I'm going to die. I'm going to die on this floor, mid fight with my husband, alone in my dead parents house.

Suddenly a voice appeared in my head and a picture played behind my eyes. As if I was watching a movie in my brain.

Ginny was squealing and jumping around like an idiot, and Harry was standing there, jaw on the floor. He was staring at... our hands. Crap. Well, it was time for him to know. "What? You didn't know about... this?" I lifted our hands. I looked and saw Malfoy smirking. I rolled my eyes, he was too cocky for his own good.

"N-No." Harry stuttered. Malfoy laughed, "Weasel told everyone during that pathetic speech he played out in the Great Hall." Harry blinked, "I thought he was kidding." I glanced at the floor. "So, you've forgiven him or whatever?" Ginny asked, looking bored. I nodded and smirked at Malfoy, "For the time being." He furrowed his eyebrows, "What's that supposed to mean?"

I scoff, "Please, You'll do something stupid and then I'll just have to forgive you all over again." He rolled his eyes, "Or you could just forgive me for everything stupid I do and we won't have to go through this again." I shrug, he rolled his eyes.

I blinked and the memory was replaced by another.

"You know, there's something I've been wanting to ask you for a long time..." He started. Then, he dropped to a knee. I gasped, "Draco..." He grinned, "Let me at least get through my speech." He frowned. I laughed, tears of happiness coming to my eyes. He pulled out a white box. "You know, meeting you was like listening to a song for the first time and knowing it would be my favorite. Blood was what kept me from you. And now, It sounds like the stupidest thing ever. My parents are still worried about it. But honestly... I don't care." He paused.

"I wasn't able to ask your father for your hand in marriage, But I asked Ginny and Potter, so I guess that kind of counts." I look over at Ginny and Harry. They were both smiling, Ginny was crying and Harry winked at me. I looked back to Draco, "I'm just letting you know, you have made me the happiest man on earth. And I want you to continue to make me happy for the rest of my life. And I want to make you the happiest Woman in the world. And I promise that if you put this ring on and say yes, I will fulfill that." I covered my mouth so that I didn't sob.

"So," He opened the box and I cried even more. Inside was a silver and gold weaved ring. Inside the word Malfoy was carved. There was a red gem surrounded by silver and dotted with tiny green jewels. "Hermione Jean Granger, Will you make me the happiest man in the world, and marry me?" I nodded, "Yes." I cried. He grinned and took my hand, slipping the ring on my finger.

He stood up and said, "Hello, Mrs. Malfoy." I laughed and kissed him.

I smiled as my breathing started to return to normal and a single tear rolled down my cheek at the reminder of him and the feelings he gave me.

Forever my favorite chapter ❤️

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Long chapter. Some throwbacks from book #1

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