Crazy Lady's Potato Chips

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// Hermione //

"What the bloody hell?" I groaned, my head was killing me. I moved my hand to place on my forehead but I couldn't move my hand, it was tied. I tried the other one and I had no luck.

My feet were tied to the legs of the chair and my hands were tied behind it. I opened my eyes  to pitch black. The only light shone through a small circle window near the ceiling, the light reflection onto the wall above me.

I glanced around to see where I was. I made out some steps and a door handle. In the left corner of the room a dusty desk sat, my guess is the chair I was in belonged over there with the desk. Other then that there was one bookshelf on the other side of the room from where I sat.

I patted my back pocket to see if Greengrass was dim enough to leave me my wand. I sighed, I guess she got a little smarter over the past two years. Oh wait, she kidnapped me. Never mind.

I scooted my chair across the concrete, wincing at the screeching noise the chair made in the dead quiet room. I kept an eye on the door as I made my way across the basement towards the bookshelf.

I made it to the bookshelf and glanced at the books, finding books about everything you needed to learn about the dark arts but I found one innocent book, my favorite fairy tail, Beauty And The Beast.

I smiled as I leaned forward, trying to get a better look at it. All of the sudden, the chair slipped and I fell face first onto the hard cement. "Ow." I groaned.

The door flew open and Astoria Greengrass entered dramatically, not bothering to look at me, "Well, Well, We- Granger! Aww come on! I had the perfect entrance planned, I've practiced three times but every time you were still unconscious!" I rolled over so that the back of the chair was on the floor, purposefully ignoring her.

"Granger what the hell are you doing on the floor?"

I made to glare at her but something in her hand caught the moonlight, "What's that?" I asked, gesturing with my head. As she figured out what I was talking about I made to stand up, only falling into the wall twice, mind you.

"What? These?" she gestured to the bag in her hand, "They're potato chips." I frowned as I sat back down on the chair that I was still tied to, "That's muggle food." She scoffed, "Like I'd buy muggle food. No, you see, these are very special potato chips."

I nodded, "How so?" She grinned mischievously, "They're wizard Potato Chips, which means that there's a special sauce on them called 'Barbeque sauce'." I frowned, "You mean, Barbeque sauce?" She grinned, "So you have heard of them!?" I rolled my eyes, "Greengrass, they're still muggle-"

She grinned and strutted over to me, dropping the bag of Barbecue Potato Chips on my lap, "Here's your food for today." I scoffed, "Starving me, are you? I suppose you're planning on killing me?" She sighed and leaned against the basement wall, picking her nails, looking bored, "Merlin, No. That's far too much work."

I glared at her, "Then why did you bring me here you bloody witch?" She grinned at me, "Because Drake let me down back at Hogwarts. He chose you over me. I saw the perfect opportunity and I made a plan." I rolled my eyes, "And that is?" She grinned, "To ruin your marriage."

"Yes, well, I can't exactly say it was completely your fault, half of it was Draco." She frowned at me but seemed to shrug whatever idea that was going through her head off, "Right." she said, strutting up the stairs to the door.

"Is that the reason?" I asked. She turned to look at me, confused. "Is the reason that you took advantage of my husband in that bar because of what happened back at school?"

Greengrass leaned on the railing, smirking, "You honestly still believe that fable? and I thought you were supposed to be the brightest witch of our age." She said and opened the door, "Eat up." She said.

"Kind of hard when my arms are tied!" I screamed as the door was about to close. Her wand appeared through the crack of the door and the ropes fell to the ground and the door slammed with a bang.

All I could think about was, what did she mean?

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