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1 month later.

I stood in front of Zayn with tears in my eyes, how could he do this.


"I can't fake it anymore Amelia, I'm sorry." He says, it had been 5 years of my life. All he could say was sorry. I started to breath heavily, I stepped back. I looked at my hands they were shaking. The room started to spin,

"Amelia?" Zayn asked worried,

"Please," I begged. He looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

"Please," I kept repeating everything was going black.


I jump opening my eyes, Harry stood over me with a small smile on his face.

"Dirty dream?" He asked, my cheeks flushed, Harry and I had gotten somewhat close in a month. We could tell each other jokes and give each other crap. He wasn't as bad. Only when he had meetings with his father. He had a way of making me feel... apart of something.

"No, nightmare" I answer honestly wiping the tears off my face.

"Can I help you?" I said trying to avoid eye contact.

"I have a couple meetings, I want you to join me use your super power to scare them." I look up at him, he smiles softly.

"Of course." I get up and gather my things to write with. He waits for me at the door.


I follow him into a room filled with suits, guys in suits. I smile at all of them as I walk past them to seat right hand side of Harry. I sit down laying out my papers.

"Gentlemen." The meeting starts and everyone was listening to Harry. I spoke up a few times using my memory leaving them in aw.

"But what if our competitors find out secret weapon?"

"Our competitors don't stand a chance," I say, Harry smiles at me like a proud dad.

"I beg to differ Ms-" I turn to see my nightmare come true. My heart drops. He locks eyes with me and I cant tell he wasn't ready either. We both stare at each other not knowing what to do. I could feel Harry staring at me.

"Lockwood." Harry's says, we turn to look at him. I start to breath heavy.

"I-" I can't talk, I stand up quickly running out the door.

"Amelia!!" I hear Zayn yell.

I keep running until I see the elevators. I press the button a million times.

"Come on,!" I scream

"Amelia!" I hear Zayn come closer, I look to my left and see the stairs. I shove the doors and start to run down the stairs, I can feel my heart pumping. I feel a hand yank my arm making me scream.

"Wait Please!" my body collides with his. I look up at him out of breath. We both breathing hard staring at each other.

"Let me go." I beg, I could feel my legs giving out. This was draining me.

"We need to talk."

"No!" I try to shove him back,

"Please Amelia" He begs

"You left me! You did this." I shove him back. he lets go.

"No, you broke me Zayn, You were the only one I had left. and you left" I was in tears.

"We don't need to talk." I start to walk down the steps.

"Why are you here, working for HIM" he says angry, I hear the door open and I see Harry. I look at Zayn, I shake my head and keep walking.

"Zayn," Harry says, I walk out into the 11th floor and lean against the door. I start to cry, I didn't care of I looked crazy, I felt someone sit next to me and wrap their arms around me,

"Shhh," I could tell it was G, I cried even more leaning into her. This was a nightmare.

Hours went by until I had G make sure he was gone, I make my way up to the 12th floor. I make it to my office only to have Harry waiting for me. I stand there.

"Care to tell me what happened." He says in a serious voice.

"no." I simply state.

"Are you working with him?" he asks standing up, I looked at him shocked.

"After that reaction you think I would be working with him?" I say grabbing my stuff.

"I need to know Amelia."

"No, I don't know every single detail about you Harry." I stand again by the door.

"We are on the same team Amelia"

"He is one thing I will never open up about Harry, Ask him. Better yet Trust me." I slam the door of my own office and walk out.  

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