Deal with Styles.

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Harry let us go after talking to Eleanor and Niall, He told us we would start on Monday. I walked as fast as I could to get away from sisters before they could catch up to me.

"Amelia!" They shouted as I walked faster and faster.

'Please!" They shouted. I sighed and stopped and turning around, they ran after me and stopped when they saw I had stopped.

"What." I harshly say, They stand tall after catching their breath.

"Please, we need to talk, just come to dinner at our house."

"No way I'm going to dads house" I say angrily and start to walk away,

"NO, our house" Mere says motioning to my other sister, that hurt. They had a house together.

"No thanks." I say trying not to sound upset.

"It's your house to Amelia, it was from mom." G says. I turn around shaking my head and walk into the busy streets of New York, no way I was wasting time on them. They haven't' checked up on me in years. They no nothing about me. Even if we are triplets we are totally different now.

Monday morning .

This time I woke up in time, I got dressed, brushed my hair and teeth and put on my contacts. Although we are triplets there are two things you can do to tell us apart. We only told a few and I mean a few people how to, one I have very big brown eyes but wear contacts to make them look blue like my sister Mere. G has green eyes which she got from mom, Even though its been years without them not a day went by where I didn't wear the blue contacts. Number two I have a small freckle  on my wrist, it was my tell. Ever since I was little I felt out because my sisters never had this freckle , I thought we were suppose to be the same, I always hid it with makeup.

 I locked the door of my apartment and started to walk the three flights down to the lobby. The elevator always smelled like weed and showing up to work smelling like that would not be good. What is it with rich kids and weed? I walked slowly down the busy streets of New York this time  making sure not to hit anyone like I did 3 days ago.

With coffee in my hand I walk into the Styles building, I nod my head at the security guard,

"Got anything for me"I smiled, He smiled and nodded, he handed me my badge and a folder.

"Ms. Eleanor said to go see her when you arrived." His southern accent was noticeable, I smiled and nodded

"Thank you Tom", I walked up the steps to the second floor where we interviewed. Eleanor was in the conference room with my other two sisters. I walked in with confidence and a fake smile. They all look at me and smile.

"Great Ladies I am here to give you, your orientation Harry is in a meeting with my father and it can go either way, he can come out happy or annoyed, you do not want to deal with him if he is annoyed" She said looking down at her papers." She talked on and on about the company and its policies. She made us fill out some paper work and checked to see in our badges were correct.

"Amelia" she read out loud looking from her folder.

"Yes" I say, she looks at me.

"Bad news you are with my brother" she smiled, I gulped and smiled. Dealing with men like Harry was not new but he was very intimidating to say the least.

"Genevieve, you are with me" she smiled and looked up my sister. She blushed and nodded her head.

" Meredith, you are with Niall."

"Uh.." Mere started to say,

"Don't worry, we keep it professional " She winked at her, I looked at her confused and she shook her head. I knew what that meant.

"Alright ladies, lets go on a tour."

We walked around the 6th, 8th, and 12th floor of the building. 6th floor was were Niall was located, his floor was the busiest. 8th floor was were Eleanor was located, she did a lot of international things so my sister would fit in perfectly. 12th floor was the last floor, only 3 offices one Harry's, one was empty and one for his PA, personal assistant. We walked passed it and she was packing her stuff. She mumbled.

"Not to make this awkward but this is your new office." Eleanor said walking inside. The PA kept mumbling and picked up her things and bumped into G on her way out.

"She is relocating her self on 11th floor, she thinks you stole her job." She says looking around the office.

"You see that empty space over there" She points to another door, we nod

" Harry is building that office for you but for now he wants you close." She said. I was in awe.

"What about His PA" I asked

"She just has to go back and forth" She shrugs.

"Ladies" Harry said appearing at the door. We turn to look at him. I had to admit he was handsome. 

"Amelia, if you could come with me so I can explain a few things, your sister can go to their stations too." We all nodded, I waved goodbye and followed Harry into his office.

"Amelia please sit down." he said, his voice changed.

"I will cut to the chase, I know who your father is and who you are" he said sitting down, I looked at him surprised. Shit. He was going to fire us.

"I can-"

"Let me talk." he said sitting up in his chair,

"We know your sister and you don't have the best relationship , well I have some news for you" He crossed his arms.

"They are working for your father and needed a way into this building" My heart was racing.

"Now I need you on my side to figure out whats going down." I looked at him with wide eyes.

"I need to know I can trust you."
"What do I get out of this." I asked, I knew them being here wasn't coincidence.

"What do you want."

"A new identity" 

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