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"Hey wait!" Kyungsoo shouted and tried to catch up to the young man.

He caught a hold of his shoulder and stopped the young man from walking away. He breathed heavily, let go of the lad's shoulder and then regained his composure. 

"My name is Do Kyungsoo and I'd be really glad to help." He showed his heart-shaped smile, "What's yours?"

The young lad stared at him coldly, but still he answered, "My name is Kim Jongin and I don't need any help."

Kyungsoo felt himself frown as Jongin walked away. He fought the urge to chase him and insist that he could help, but he stayed frozen, watching the young lad's back until it was completely out of his sight.

The next few weeks had been fortunate to Do Kyungsoo. Getting a job at his friend, Kim Junmyeon's restaurant as a singer, and renting a satisfying apartment nearby had really helped a lot. His mind had been focused on everything but Kim Jongin. He decided it was best to do so, as looking for him might make Kim Jongin run away even farther. 

He walked his way to work and headed straight to the manager's office.

"Good morning." Kyungsoo greeted Junmyeon with a sheepish smile and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Good morning." Kim Junmyeon returned his smile with a small one.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I just... uhㅡ"

"It's okay. Just head up there and do what you have to." Junmyeon's smile grew wider. 

Kyungsoo looked at him in the eye, smiled more, and headed out. He went straight up the stage and grabbed the microphone.

"Good morning customers!" Kyungsoo said, showing off his signature heart-shaped smile.

The crowd cheered when they saw Kyungsoo up there, and soon enough he caught everyone's attention.

"Today I'm going to sing a songㅡwell, of course, s-since that's my job," he heard a soft laughter from the crowd, "Anyway, it's entitled Into Your World."

He bowed down then started to sing. As expected, everyone was stunnedㅡeven the regular customers. Little did Kyungsoo know that the one he had been looking for, Kim Jongin, was one of the people in the crowd. Jongin fought the urge not to look amazed, but he lost against it. Do Kyungsoo was simply mesmerizing. His voice, his face, and everything in him.

Unconsciously, Kim Jongin walked up the stage, grabbed Kyungsoo by the hand, and headed outside the restaurant.

They kept walking until they stopped at the parking lot. It was then that Kim Jongin realized what he had done, swiftly unwrapped his hand from Kyungsoo's wrist and turned back to walk away.

Kyungsoo stood stiff, but only seeing Kim Jongin's back, he quickly opened his mouth to speak.

"You're walking away. Again?" Kyungsoo asked. He thought he was supposed to say it as a statement, but his voice suddenly rose at the last word, making it sound like Jongin had to answer.

Jongin halted and faced Kyungsoo slowly. And then there they were, face-to-face, as if all these weeks' searching had finally been accomplished.

"A-Apparently." Kim Jongin stuttered. He never stuttered, but why was it that Do Kyungsoo suddenly made him feel so self-conscious and anxious?

He turned away once again, then took a step forward.

And another.

And another.

And another.

He waited for Do Kyungsoo's hands to land on his shoulder, but in his surprise, Do Kyungsoo only spoke.

"I'm not stopping you anymore, Kim Jongin." He said, not moving an inch.

Jongin waited for Kyungsoo to say another word, and he didn't fail,

"I can sense that you don't want me around," Kyungsoo paused, "so I'll stop."

Jongin felt Kyungsoo move, so he faced him once again. Seeing Kyungsoo attempting to leave him, he tried so hard not to run after him.

But he lost.

"Hyung!" Jongin ran up to him and grabbed his wrist.

Kyungsoo faced him, but Jongin only looked him in the eye and, for the first time in years, smiled.

"I'm sorry." Jongin said and slowly wrapped his arms around Kyungsoo's waist, "Please help me."

Kyungsoo's mind was a maze as of the moment. His mind asked him why the hell he's hugging a boy he barely knew but his heart told him, "It's okay, he just needs help."

Kyungsoo listened to his heart and patted Jongin's back slowly.

(to be continued...)

A/N: I'll divide the parts since I think it's going to be long. I'm making it a three-shot story. Thank you for reading! ♡ ♡ ♡

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