Another Baby

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"Daddy look what I drew!" Your little 6 year old ran up to Alec as soon as he got home from work and tackled him with hugs.
"That's amazing sweetheart," he replies with a smile and picks her up. You smile as you watch your husband and your daughter. He hasn't been home lately because of the case he took. That's why you came to Broadchurch. So when moments like these came you cherished them. The house you all were living in was small, but it made do. There was only one bedroom, you and Alec had a bed and so did your daughter. He set her down and she went off to her room to color more. Alec walked over to you and kissed your lips.
"Feels like I haven't seen you in forever." You say against the kiss.
"I know love." He kisses your cheek. "We're almost there."
You nod in response and look towards your daughter Iris room. Alec wraps his arms around you trying to distract you from your thoughts. He pulls you to the bedroom and gets you on the bed. He kisses your cheek and lays next to you.
"What's on your mind love?" He asks
"I don't know." You reply and look up towards the ceiling. Alec gets up and kisses your lips and down to your neck.
"A-alec.." you groan a little it felt good, but you couldn't do it. He continued to kiss you, he missed having interactions with you.
"I can't Alec.." you whisper.
"W-what?" He asks as he stops and looks at you confused.
"I just can't right now.." you reply scooting up towards the bed frame trying to sit up.
"Fine." He replies a little rude and he gets off you. You sigh silently looking down at your lap as he gets off the bed and goes to change. You get up from the bed and walk towards him to where he was changing in the closet.
"Alec.." you sigh quietly.
"No I'm not in the mood (Y/N)."
"Please Alec just.."
"I just came home wanting to get some intimacy with my wife because we haven't had it in awhile, but it's fine." Alec replies as he changes into a blue shirt and some pants he turns around and pushes past you to go out into the living room. You were left alone in the bedroom crying silently to yourself. You couldn't control the emotions. You just wanted to surprise him by telling him you were pregnant again. You finally got it together and went into the main living area. Alec was playing with Iris he was sitting on the floor with a small smile as she ran around with her Barbie dolls.
"This one mommy and this one daddy." Iris smiles and gives Alec the boy doll. Alec chuckles a little and holds the doll.
"So I get to be the daddy?" He asks in his thick Scottish accent.
"Yes because you are a daddy. So you can be the doll daddy." She nods with a smile. He laughs again.
"Oh alright." He says with a smile. Iris noticed you watching the both of them.
"Mommy come play with us!" Iris hollered and ran up to you and grabbed your hand and pulled you over.
"Okay.." you reply with a small smile and sit down on the floor as she gives you the mom doll.
"Now mommy and daddy make dinner and my doll plays in her room!" She giggles and makes a small room for her doll and acts like she is in her room. Alec looks over to you, clearly he was still pissed off from earlier. You both start to interact with the dolls and then Iris goes.
"You have to kiss! You always kiss before dinner." She giggles and watches them.
"Well I don't know? Do you want a kiss darling? Seems like you don't want much intimacy." Alec replies while moving his doll.
"Maybe I don't want it for a specific reason." You reply and move your doll.
"And what would be that reason?" Alec asks with a little attitude.
"I can't tell you." She replies with some more attitude.
"Why not?" He asks
"Because I can't." You reply
"Why can't you just tell me?" He asks dropping the doll and starting to get more serious. Iris realized it was starting to turn into a fight, she barley saw them fight.
"Because I don't want too!" You shout
"What's sooo bad you can't even tell me about!" He shouts
"It's not a bad thing!"
"You're making it seem like it is! What's going on with you!"
You push your hair back in frustration and go over to a bunch of Iris dolls that were in the back of the living room.
"Don't walk away from our conversation I'm just trying to understand!" Alec follows you.
Iris bit her lip and sat over in the corner playing with her toys.
You found one of the Barbie dolls you had got Iris, it was a doll that was pregnant. You turn around and shove the doll into his chest.
"Maybe this can help you understand!" You growl and push past him and into your bedroom. You fell asleep crying and didn't wake up till a few hours later.
A few hours later you woke up, it was dinner time. You got up and made your way to the kitchen quietly. Alec and Iris were already eating dinner. After an awkward dinner you went to bed early. Alec came into the bedroom after putting down Iris for bed. You both laid in the dark and he cuddled up next to you.
"Love, I'm so sorry." He whispers and moves his hand protectively over your stomach. You didn't reply and just laid there silently.
Alec sighs and moves his face to the back of your neck.
"I never imagined to fall in love again, or have another kid, and even have another kid, but I'm glad I did. I know I can get a grumpy and protective. I'm sorry for fighting with you. I just thought you didn't want to talk to me, because you never tell me how you feel." Alec says and softly kisses you neck. You turn around in the dark to face him. His hand still resting on your stomach.
"I'm sorry Alec.." you whisper your eyes starting to get watery and your voice cracking.
"Don't apologize love, I should be apologizing." He whispers and kisses your lips.
"I can't wait to have another baby with you."
"I can't wait either.." you smile a little and kiss his lips.
"You'll be the best Dad again," you giggle.
"And you'll always be the best mommy." He smiles and kisses you cheek and rubs your tiny bump.
"Goodnight little one."

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 23, 2017 ⏰

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