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You would get into bed around 9 or 10 pm waiting for Alec you knew he wouldn't be back for awhile so you just lay down silently in bed trying to go to sleep and trying not to go to sleep. Alec would show up around 12 or 1 am you heard him turn on his lamp by his bed and you could hear the unbuckling of his belt as he pulled off his jeans and took off his coat and shirt and threw it in the laundry. He would open a few drawers and close and few and then would walk into your shared bathroom and took some pills that he always takes before bed. He then lifted up the covers and got in the bed scooting toward your body, but first turning off the lamp. He wrapped his arm around you and layed his chin on your head and played with your hands for a bit. He didn't realize you were awake until you rolled over and cuddled your head into his chest. He makes one of his small smiles and keeps his arms around you until you both fall asleep that night.

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