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It was about 12 in the afternoon. You went to Alec's office before you went off to go swimming with all of your friends, even Ellie and some people from the police office were coming. You knock on the door and Alec looks up "Come in" He says.
"Hey" You smiled as you walked in and shut the door behind you. Alec saw you and got up to walk over to you. You stood underneath him as he was about a foot taller than you and he looked down upon you and smiled his little smile he does every once and awhile. He grabs your hands and says "Your going swimming right?" You nod and smile as you stare at your hands connected to his hands.
"For a few hours yes" You reply.
"Well be careful and I'll see you for dinner" He keeps smiling at you. Your the one thing that makes his day better. "I will be careful" You reply looking up at him.
"Well I hope you have fun" Alec says and then he gets out his wallet and gives you some money incase you want to go get anything. "Thank you" You said and stood you the tips of your toes to give him a kiss. He chuckled "You are welcome" Then you left the office and you met Ellie and you both went down to the beach with some other friends and just tanned for a bit. To the left of you there was a gay married couple with 3 children and to the right some teenagers being teenagers. "Wanna take a swim?" You asked Ellie.
"Yeah sounds good" She smiled and you both went into the water. Once you got out far enough you just swam for a while and while you swam in one place you Ellie just chated and then all the sudden you felt pain and there was blood everywhere. Shark Attack. You were freaking out but also struggling. Ellie was helping you and everyone else was running out of the water and some of the police officers you guys went with that are your friends called the ambulance. Ellie with the help of friends pulled you on to the beach and one took their shirt off and wrapped it around your arm to stop the bleeding. The ambulance finally got the there and took you away and Ellie went to go tell Alec.
Alec was leaving the office right about then when Ellie busted into his office.
"For god sake Miller, haven't you heard of knocking" Alec asked while putting on his coat.
"Shut up It's important Alec!" She replied
"Did you just tell me to shut up?" Alec asked but then Ellie replies
"(Y/N) is in the hospital" Alec stares at her.
"What? Why?" He asked frantically
"Shark attack" Ellie replied
Alec rushed out of the office finding his way to the hospital to see you.

*Hours Later*
You awoke quietly staring at the ceiling. Your moved your arm to your other arm to feel it, that arm was long lost. "Alec" you say your throat sore and sounded rough.
"Oh thank god your awake" He said in his thick Scottish voice.
"I need water" You say. He nods and gets some water and you take sips of it and set it down.
"Ellie told me what happened I came as fast as I could" He said and held your hand.
"Thanks" You smile at him. He smiled back.
"I'm just glad your okay" He says and stood up to kiss your forehead.
"You should rest you now, maybe take a nap or something" Alec says rubbing your hand. You nod your head and fall back to sleep.

*A few days later*
You were able to go back home. Alec mostly did everything for you now and helped you a lot even though you kept saying your okay. You decided to go to the store and get things and you made it there just fine. You grabbed things trying to avoid the stares you received. You got a notification on your phone a link to a tweet on twitter. You pressed the link and it read "Sources suggest that the shark attack happened during the late day to a woman named (Y/N) (Y/L/N), follow for more information" You almost broke down, you didn't want to be on the media. You had it bad enough. You stayed calm and left your cart there in the aisle and left the grocery store as everyone was looking at there phones reading the tweet and staring at you on your way out. Once you got home no one was there so you did what you did best, screamed. "Why me! Out of all the people why me! Why do I get the special treatment. How will this help my life huh!?" You shout at the big man upstairs literally. Your dad is an angel of Lord after all. (Castiel, you guys are welcome) You curled up on the floor mascara ran down your face as you layed there and didn't get up eventually you ended up falling asleep. The next thing you knew is you woke up on your and Alec's bed. He was laying beside you, it was late at night. You turn and face him and then his eyes opened.
"Hello beautiful" He smiled and moved toward you and kissed your forehead then ran his hand through your hair.
"Just because this attack happened doesn't mean I love you any less and doesn't mean your friends like you any less. Your perfect. I don't know why God does things, it's the way he is. Like we are the way we are. Okay. I love you" Alec smiled at you.
"I love you too Alec".

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