This Picture So Pretty

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You liked Alec. Always have. But you knew. You knew he never felt the same. You told Miller about the crush on Alec. She said to you "I give you leave to like him" and then she smiled. She wanted you to tell Alec. The other day you saw him holding hands with another women. Yes, single for life you always think that.
It was late at work one night, everyone was tired but was still working on the Latimer case. You went outside onto the balcony. Glancing behind you, you saw Alec go up to Miller and talk to her. You hum softly as you stare at the stars.
"I'm stuck on a verse. I'm stuck on a boy who fills me with joy I knew I was wrong to jump straight right into this picture so pretty. But he is so pretty to me" You sang as you stared at the sky. Letting out a sigh, you hummed the rest of the parts and let the lyrics run through your head. You turn around to head inside only to face Alec.
"Well hello there" You state almost running into him. You were so close you could kiss him. But you won't.
"Uh, do you have the papers for the Latimer's case?" He ask gulping, you saw it run down his atoms apple.
"Yes I do" You reply
"You have a good voice" He replied
"T-thank you" You stutter. He nods back.
"Who's the lucky boy?" He asked with a hint of glare in his eye.
"It's no one" You reply
"Your lying" He replied
"The boy wouldn't care anyway" You state.
"Why do you say that?" He asked getting closer. Your foreheads touching. You still stunned by the fact that he could get any closer.
"Because I just do" You reply
He runs a hand down your arm.
It trails to your neck
"(Y/N)" He speaks.
"What?" You ask in a high pitched voice.
"I care" He whispers. You slowly nod. Then Alec seals in the place between you too, so there was no room left.

Alec Hardy PreferencesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora