Chapter 4

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Katie was walking gracefully into her chambers. The lightly dusted green walls towered over her and her wings a few shades darker. Finally she made it to the door. She pressed her hand on the door handle and something touched her side making her jump. She swiftly turned around, it was Shiro! "Hey Shiro," she said uneasily. He crossed his arms. "Master what now." He touched a microphone/ earpiece that was there the whole time. She couldn't hear and answer just Shiro scracking his knuckles. She was thrown across the room and landed back on the wall. Shiro clasped his hands around her neck and lifted her up of off the ground. It was too little a corridor to let her wings spread out to fly. Before she knew it she was crying out. After everything around her shifted from perfectly good vision, to blurry, to black. The abyss of darkness was cold all she could feel were ice cold hands unclasped around her neck drifting down her side to pick her up. Then everything went numb. She couldn't hear anything. Or see. Touch was definitely not an option. She was now captured in the blacker than black abyss of nothingness.

With the others...

Keith had just walked into their conversation. He looked angry but worried. Hunk placed a hand on his shoulder. "We need to stop Lotor from turning Pidge into his wife." Everyone looked at him. Shiro was absent. Then they heard muffled crying and a deep voice telling the person to shut their quiznak. "Told you I got it right Keith," Lance purred. Then they heard nothing. Their feet clambered on metal like lightning and stoppered at the end of the corridor. Pidge was slung over a mysterious figures back. Not moving, not wincing. The man turned and grinned. "Shiro!" Hunk exclaimed. Lotor came rushing to our side. "Let her go!" Shiro stopped and looked at Lotor. "Masters son." He bowed letting Pidges head hit the floor. Groggily the small figure of the girl pushed herself up and moved her leg to kick 'Shiro' in he face. "Oh it's Kuro." She stated. Everyone bust out laughing. Kuro looked confused as he scratched his head. Katie kicked Kuro again. Lotor had the DNA elook on his face as Kuro, except for the pained bit. "What it making you laugh?" He asked tilting his head sideways. "Classic Pidge." Lance swept a small tear from the edge of his eye. "That's why I love her." Keith blurred out. Everyone went silent. Pidges ears perked up. "Pardon?" Lotor asked harshly. Keith placed a hand over his mouth. Katie smiled and hugged him. Lotor looked upset as he was about to grab his sword, "Katelyn." Keith placed a hand on her cheek. "I've loved you since we met. Your eyes the cute way your ears perk up and heat red. And the way you speak and use your common sense and brain to find your family." Said girl was about to cry, she hugged into his chest as the scarlet was turned darker by tears of happiness. Lotor grabbed his sword and pointed it to Aluras neck. Katie pulled away. "I thought you were gonna be with me to save your family and planet!" Lotor blurted out. Katie's head dropped. A shadow towered over Lotor. When he turned he saw the man who he had taken twice. Shiro...

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