Pub Crawl

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Same plot as the last chapters

(Literally having the worst week and it's only Monday, sorry if it's crap)

3rd Persons POV
"Ok, Merlin, Arthur and Percival - meet me in the Armory in ten minutes," Gwaine says as they walked out of a council meeting. Arthur looked at Gwaine, shocked. There's no way he was letting that boss him about.

"Er, I don't think s-" Arthur didn't even get to finish, before he was hushed by Gwaine, Merlin smirked at them both.

"No excuses, 10 minutes, be there or be square," Percival rolled his eyes at his friend, he had no idea what Gwaine was planning, but he couldn't wait to find out.

Arthur and Merlin headed back to his chambers, with Arthur complaining along the way. Merlin had just learnt to not pay attention and to just nod at the appropriate time.

"I mean, I swear he got worse since I let him be a knight, I'm starting to think I should've just kept the ban my Father set for him, what do you think Merlin?" Arthur says, and as usual, Merlin was paying no attention.

"Yes, Sire," Arthur frowns,

"So I'm just going to hang Gwaine for his idiocy, is that ok with you?"

"Of course, my lord, mhmm," Merlin says, staring out of the window. Arthur sighs and whacks Merlin around the head with a goblet.

"Ow!" Merlin complains, "what was that for?" Arthur rolls his eyes at his stupid servant.

"By your reasoning, I could hang Gwaine and you'd be ok with it," Arthur says slowly, making sure Merlin new what he just agreed to. Merlin's eyes widened, maybe he should pay attention to Arthur every once in a while.

"Er- no, Sire, why don't we go to the Armory?" Merlin stuttered, not even thinking of a valid excuse. Arthur nods. When they get their, Gwaine and Percival were having a... Strange conversation.

"But Percival, if the chicken had crossed the road and got run over, how would we have eggs?" Gwaine asks his friend, Merlin frowns in confusion.

"No, Gwaine I don't think you got the joke right-"

"Ahem!" Arthur coughed, interrupting the pair. They jumped, Percival blushed, slightly embarrassed. But, Gwaine grinned at the sight of them.

"Ah, Merlin, Arthur! The reason why I called this meeting today, is because-"

"Stop trying to be professional, can't you see I have Princy things to do?" Arthur complained, to which Merlin nudged him in the ribs with his elbow.

"Merlin! What was that for?" Arthur asks, clutching his sides. Merlin rolls his eyes,

"For being rude, carry on Gwaine," 

"Thank you Merlin, as I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted, this is the first official meeting of The Tavern Crew," Gwaine smirks, waiting to see his friends reactions. Arthur chokes on his own spit, Percival, however, stared at his friend in admiration. Merlin just stood there, smiling, not really knowing what to say.

"I'm sorry, the what crew?!" Arthur says, hoping his ears misheard what Gwaine just told them.

"The Tavern Crew," Gwaine repeated.

"Ok, I'm at a loss," Arthur says, he sat down on one of the benches, taking everything in.

"And, what does 'The Tavern Crew,' do exactly?" Merlin asks, speaking for the first time in a while, Gwaine smiles.

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