Merthur Part 1

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So, there's Gwaine, Lancelot, Percival and Leon as knights, Morgana isn't evil and Gwen fancies Lancelot. Oh and Arthur is still the Prince, probably set around season 1. And Lancelot knows about Merlin's magic.

3rd Person's POV
"So, has anyone else felt the sexual tension between Merlin and Arthur or is it just me?" Gwaine asks, the four knights were on the way to training with the Prince. Shared looks were given, the only one who was shocked about this news was Sir Leon.

"No, what the hell, you can't just say something like that about the prince, Gwaine," Sir Leon sighed, oblivious to the fact that these accusations were true. Percival chuckled,

"Well, clearly not everyone has," Lancelot laughed at their banter, but their conversation was cut short by arriving to the training ground, Merlin was standing next to Arthur, they both seemed to be in a heated discussion, not noticing the knights had arrived, they continue with the argument.

"But Sire, I cleaned your room this morning! What could you have done within the hour that it needed cleaning again?" Merlin asks, getting annoyed. He thought he could have the rest of the afternoon off, he completed all of his chores. But no, Arthur wasn't having it.

"Wouldn't you like to know," Arthur replied, smirking. Sir Leon's eyes widened, as if suddenly realising what Gwaine said spoke some truth.

"Ahem," Gwaine interrupted them, they both jumped, blushing slightly.

"Ah, where have you been? Merlin, off you go," Merlin stayed where he was. Confused as to why his servant didn't leave, Arthur turns around to see a massive grin on his face.

"What are you smiling at?" He says, getting annoyed with Merlin.

"Look behind you," was all his servant replied. Reluctantly, he turned around. He then leaned on Merlin's shoulder, getting ready to show off. Walking towards the village was the Lady Morgana and her servant, Gwen. They were both very beautiful, and all of the guys fancied either one or the other.

Once they were out of site, they turned back to training.

"Well, I'll go and clean your room that's already clean, Sire," Arthur was shocked at his sudden sarcasm, it through him off guard.

"Merlin, why don't you stay? You've had a busy few days," Lancelot piped in, keen to see Arthur's reaction. The other knights agreed with him, so, all in all, Merlin got to watch them all fight instead of doing chores, which Merlin thought wasnt so bad after all.

Half way through fighting with Lancelot, Arthur was distracted. He was staring at Merlin, who looked incredibly hot, with his dark brown hair blowing through the wind, his eyes sparkling, his big goofy grin-

"Sire! I'm so sorry! Are you ok!?" Lancelot asked, he didn't realise that Arthur wasn't paying attention, and with the malic he simply hit him in the stomach. Arthur was so shocked the fact that he was now on the floor, he didn't speak.

"Arthur!" The other knights and Merlin ran up to him, Arthur was clutching his side, trying not to scream in pain.

"I'm fine," he manages to make out, but, it was unbelievable.

"Merlin, help me take Arthur to Gaius's," Lancelot says,

"Gaius, Arthur's been injured," Lancelot says as they entered the physicians room. Gaius, who was reading, looked up and immediately, he was clearing space so that Arthur could sit on his table.

"How did this happen?" He asks, looking at the three of them. Merlin was the first to speak,

"Well, no one really knows, one second he was fighting Lancelot, the next, he was on the ground holding his sides," he explained, Arthur hadn't spoken in a while. He was too embarrassed. Gaius raised his eyebrows but continued to sort out the wound. It wasn't that bad, but Arthur had to stay in bed for a few days.

"Arthur, after dinner, you will have to rest, I advise you to not leave your bed tomorrow," Gaius says, much to the annoyance of Arthur. What was he going to tell his Father?!

"You're free to go," Gaius made sure the wound was tightly bandaged.


"Arthur, what happened in training today?" Merlin was filling up the Prince's drink, but he was intrigued to know why Arthur didn't do well. Morgana was also confused about Arthur's behavior, to her, he has been acting strange these past few days. She and Gwen grew concerned.

"Oh, nothing, I was simply testing how strong they were, I needed to know how good Lancelot fighting was, incase we had a sudden attack-"

"Arthur, you're rambling, and besides, isn't that normally what servants are for?" Uther replied to his son. At the mention of Merlin, Arthur stiffened,

"Well, I usually do use Merlin, but, we have knights for a reason Father, I thought I'd better make the most of the opportunity," Arthur explains. Although, nobody in the room actually believes his story. Morgana decided to join in the conversation,

"Whats on the agenda tomorrow? Now Arthur can't leave his room-" she was interrupted, Arthur sighed in frustration, now his Father was going to be even more disappointed.

"He WHAT!" Uther shouted, making both Merlin and Morgana jump with surprise.

"He's too badly injured, my lord, Gaius said if he moved around too much the wound would get worse and even infected, it's not Arthur's fault!" Morgana tried to calm Uther down, which seemed to do the trick.

"Well, I don't know, Morgana, would you like to go riding with me to your Father's..." Uther said, deciding to give his son some space, Morgana smiled,

"I'd love to,"

Dinner ended, while Merlin and Arthur headed back to his chambers, Morgana headed back to hers, with the four knights and Gwen waiting patiently in her room. They had a plan tonight.

"Are you all ready?" She smiled as she walked in. They simultaneously nodded their heads, while Gwaine broke the silence by adding,

"I was born for this, I can't wait!" This event had made Gwaine's week, he couldn't wait to spy on Merlin and Arthur.

They eventually got to his room, leaning close to the door, they listened to their conversation.

"But why does he feel the need to hate all his servants? Why can't he just treat you equally? Treat you all like you are actually people?" Gwen smiled, she was glad the prince didn't agree with his Father's ways, that gave her hope, hope for the future.

"I don't know, maybe because he's King and he feels he has authority over us, I guess," Merlin suggests, but he didn't know either. They heard him sigh,

"It just frustrates me so much,"

"I know," Merlin says sympathetically.

"Well we aren't getting anything out of this, I want to go to bed," Leon complains, but Gwaine makes him stay,

"Shh, we are just getting to the good bit," he smirks. Leon rolls his eyes but stays anyway.

"Is that all? Sire?" Merlin asks, he was really tired and he did want to go to bed.

"Wait, please can you just, stay, for a bit?" Arthur asks, blushing, he turned his face away, so Merlin didn't see. Gwaine tried not to squeal as he saw the romance blossom. He had to get them together, he just had to.

"Of course,"

After a few minutes, Merlin and Arthur were sound asleep, Arthur had his arm wrapped around Merlin, while Merlin leaned on his shoulder.

"Awe, that's the cutest thing I've ever seen!" Gwen whispers excitedly as they leave. They all nodded in agreement.

"So, how do we get them together?" Leon asks, mischievously. Gwaine smiles,

"Leave that to me," 

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