The Twisted Game

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I sent the three at far ends of the maze. Of course it would be no fun without obstacles. I stood over the pedestal as I watched over the three. Of course Shizuka was in a sealed room.

Inuyasha ran down a hall only to be dropped in a trapped door. He slid down into a dark room. He stood up trying to look around until a light flicked on. A spot light centered on Kikyo in the center of the room. "Inuyasha. Come with me. I will guide you." Inuyasha was cautious but finding no other way walked towards her. As soon as he reached her the whole room lit up. The room was all mirrors. Inuyasha turned in every direction trying to find a way out.

Kagome walked and walked but soon realized she was going in a circle. She stomped her foot in frustration. She cracked a tile under her foot from the stomp and looked down not realizing she was even walking on tile. She looked all around her and found that the rest of the flooring was completely white and blended together but she didn't know what it was. She looked down at the tile to see it was out of place compared to the rest of the flooring. She stomped on it a few more times cracking it until it broke. She found a shiny object sticking out of dirt. She got on her knees and dug in the dirt a bit finding a lever. She pulled the lever and the wall next to her opened a small door she could crawl through. She crawled into a field. Though it was an open field. She sighed and walked forward only to run into something. She put her hands on what she ran into confused to find a wall. She frowned and looked around to see the field but held her arms out and could touch the walls. She sighed and began walking with her hands on the wall.

Sesshomaru was glaring at every trap he fell into. He walked down the hall as a silver vine seeped out of the crease of the bottom of the wall and went after him. It was quick to wrap around his ankle and pull him towards the wall. He didn't even try to cut the vine knowing it was futile as he hit the floor and was dragged into the wall. The vine let him go and went back into the ground once on the other side. Sesshomaru got up looking around and found himself in a garden. He walked around looking for an exit when he found a gazebo in the middle of the garden covered in silver vines and blue roses. He walked into it finding a door in the flooring. He went through the door and found himself back in the familiar white halls.

Inuyasha was running from two snakes in a forest. Two snakes right? Well, the snakes where about as big as him. A door formed not to far in front of him and he dived for it. He panted after slamming it shut. He grabbed Tetsaiga as he heard growling. A panther began stalking towards him. Both of them flinched as a whistle rang through the room. The panther walked to the side sitting letting Inuyasha pass. Inuyasha watched the panther as he walked by and walked through another door.

Sesshomaru ran through the flying plates that flew at him. He threw the door open at the end of the room and went through it finding himself next to Inuyasha. They looked at each other and nodded. They began walking down the white hall but only had to walk a little distance before they stopped in a doorway. "So nice of you two to join me. I assume you two had fun in my maze?" I turned around towards them and Inuyasha just stared at me dumbfounded. "Azuki. This is where you live?" I smiled softly at Inuyasha. "Yes. This is my home." Something struck Inuyasha's mind and he looked at me with panic. "Those rooms!" Sesshomaru was the one who answered for me though he kept his eyes on me. "She controls them." Inuyasha's eyes widened. "What?" I sighed. "Welcome to hell. Interesting it is here. I guard the jewel here." I stepped to the side showing the jewel on the pedestal. Inuyasha frowned. "How did a priestess ever manage to get a hold of it with someone like you guarding it?" I closed my eyes frowning. "How indeed." I put my hands together in front of me holding them at my lap as my hair turned white and a white dress formed around onto me. "Mother told me the tale of the priestess and the great Nakimuro. A powerful priestess made a deal with a tree demon after hearing the story of a sacred land and a jewel. The priestess decided the jewel would be in better hands in her land, and would bring good fortune to her people. My great great great grandfather who once lived on earth took her here after being tricked. She killed him once she got here and found him useless. She managed to sneak through the halls and get here without the Nakimuro knowing. Though as soon as the Nakimuro realized she was there, it was to late. They fought for the jewel and the priestess poisoned the Nakimuro. While the Nakimuro lay dieing the priestess took the jewel and shoved it into herself. The Nakimuro killed the priestess with what strength she had left and cursed the priestess. That is how humans got a hold of the jewel." I looked Inuyasha in the eyes sadly. "You hunt for the jewel. Even now. I am not your only purpose for coming. Inuyasha, I shall fight you to the death for the jewel as it's protector. Sesshomaru you are no different. You came here knowing consequences." Sesshomaru sighed closing his eyes. Inuyasha looked at Sesshomaru confused before looking at me with a glare. "What do you mean come here!? You dragged us here!" I smiled softly. "Yes, I pulled you into this hell, but you did not have to progress forward. You could have stayed right where you were in the beginning. Sesshomaru knows all of this. My mother practically raised him as well. He knows our laws." Inuyasha growled at me. "Still. You don't have to kill him! Have you killed Kagome yet!?" I frowned at him. "No. She shall play her part soon enough." This confused Inuyasha but Sesshomaru grabbed his Bakusaiga. "Enough talk. If we are going to fight then let us begin." I nodded and grabbed my Tamashi No Kyushu turning it to a normal blade. Sesshomaru and I ran at each other swinging our swords at one another. The sound of swords clashing filled the room and grew louder as I dragged Inuyasha into the fight.

The Lost But Found PastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora