Naraku's Plan And Kikyo's Death

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I woke up to being on Inuyasha's back. I looked to the side seeing Kagome next to me also on his back. "You're awake." I looked at her expressionless. "What's going on?" She sighed and glared ahead. "There's spider webs at the village were heading to. We're going to investigate." I nodded and when we got there a village woman had told us of a priestess saving her daughter. Inuyasha instantly grabbed my wrist as he started running. Me not being prepared to run almost fell over as we began but he just threw me over his shoulder as he ran. We ran to a small shrine but Inuyasha refused to put me down. He threw the door open seeing her inside. "Do not come inside! Azuki will cause great harm to us!" I tried to shove away from him but he didn't listen to her warning as he ran in to catch her. I was let down as he helped Kikyo. I moved back away from the two hugging myself as we felt Naraku's presence and spiderwebs covered us. "Azuki?" Kikyo moved her arm out in front of Inuyasha as I moved myself to a corner. "Forget about her Inuyasha. She is of danger to us now. The miasma in her system is reacting to something Naraku is doing. She was never pure from the start. What ever it was that she was hiding is trying to fight it's way out. We must keep our distance from her. She must fight this battle on her own. Our presence will start something I'm sure. I can almost promise you we won't make it out of this alive if we fight her." Inuyasha looked at me worriedly until they looked over seeing Kagome shooting at the webs. Once Kagome got close though, Kikyo shouted for her not to touch them. Of course Kagome didn't listen. Kagome was pulled in and instantly collapsed. I blanked everyone out as I fought with my inner demon raging inside me. I fell forward clutching my head as my hair started turning white. Kagome had already woken up by this point and everyone was looking at me with concern. Inuyasha broke the barrier around the shrine and got up. I soon got a hold of my self enough to be myself and so I put my hands on the floor panting. Though the top of my head was still white. "Azuki, are you alright?" I growled out in a raspy dark voice. "Don't come near me. Leave while you can. I'll catch up. I'll follow your scent Inuyasha." Inuyasha grabbed Kagome's arm leading her out and Kikyo just looked at me. "Azuki, You're fighting a battle you know you are going to loose. Why continue to fight it?" I lightly shook my head before looking up at Kikyo with one red eye with my one yellow eye. "I must fight this Kikyo. You may never understand. You can hate me for all it's worth. I don't care. Just leave me be." She nodded when Inuyasha walked back in and I lowered my head so he wouldn't see me as he walked over picking up Kikyo. "Azuki, you." I shook my head. "Go Inuyasha. Take Kikyo and get out of here." Inuyasha nodded running off. I laid out on the floor panting as I slowly got a hold of myself and let my hair go back to black. My eyes went back to yellow and I just laid there to rest a minute. I got up shakily and took off out of the shrine following Inuyasha's faint sent before it got to weak. When I had gotten there I picked up Naraku's sent as well. I found Kikyo in Naraku's grasp and glared at him. "So, you managed to get a hold of yourself did you Azuki? That's to bad. It would have been interesting to watch you wreak havoc upon the land. I growled at him. "Dam you Naraku! I will not let you use me in any shape or form!" I looked over as Koga lunged at him. "Koga you idiot! You don't learn do you!?" I jumped at Naraku pulling out my Tamashi No Kyushu letting it turn to it's swirling flamed blade as Naraku reached out for Koga. I raised my sword to slice Naraku's hold off Koga but Kikyo shouted at me. "Azuki stop!" I was thrown off as an adamant arm hit me sending me flying to the side. I crashed into the ground on a cliff and my sword flew out of my hand. I jumped to my feet ignoring my pain and ran over grabbing my sword running at Naraku. "Let her go Naraku!" Naraku chuckled at me. "Funny isn't it Azuki? You saving a priestess when she is the very being you are hunting?" I growled at him as I stopped. Inuyasha jumped out cutting at Naraku. "Let her go!" Naraku opened his arm showing a giant hole of some kind. Kagome yelled he had the jewel shard there and I frowned. "Impossible. It must be a set up." I said to myself. Inuyasha puled out his Tetsaiga using the dragon scales. Though Kikyo was let go before he could make to much of a move. I just watched everything unfold. At this point. Nothing involves me any further. My love for Inuyasha still stands, but right now. He has something more important at hand. Besides, I must keep my goal in mind. Inuyasha had taken Kikyo to safety before he came back to attack, while Koga had also been captured. I jumped away from Naraku as Miroku used his wind tunnel to extract the miasma from Naraku so Koga could get away. I looked down at Kikyo in worry and jumped down to her. I'm glad Yone and Shina were staying with Sango and Miroku, there's not much they could do. Kagome looked down at Kikyo shouting to ask where the jewel was. I knelt down next to Kikyo and flinched as I touched her. "You still have a bit of purity Kikyo. You aren't as tainted as you claim." Kikyo looked up at me. "Azuki, why are you helping me? You should go help Inuyasha." I sighed picking her up in my arms gently even though it hurt a little for the fact that she had the incomplete jewel in her possession. The jewel must be complete before I can touch it. I looked up as Kagome held an arrow at Kikyo. So it's time is it? Naraku hit the cliff under Kagome making her fall but Kikyo's soul collectors guided Kagome. Kagome shot the arrow hitting the jewel. I flinched as it was hit but relaxed once it was out of Kikyo's reach. We watched it fly at Naraku and him try to taint it's purity. I held Kikyo close to me to protect her as Kagome knelt next to us. Naraku came after us after laughing at his victory. I just held her tightly as Inuyasha sliced him away. "Kikyo has lost! Azuki! Your time is near! Joining me now is of no importance! You will come to your senses when the time is right! I will wait for you Azuki. You can not fight against your self for much longer!" He was gone in a swirl of his miasma signalling that I could loosen my hold on Kikyo. I slowly laid her down as Inuyasha turned to us as Kagome started to panic. I rose to my feet and walked away as Inuyasha ran to her. I walked with everyone to the grassy area as Inuyasha carried Kikyo. I walked up to Kagome and placed my hand on her shoulder. "Tell Inuyasha. That I'm sorry." I turned and walked away as she stared at me with wide eyes as I walked away. I won't go to Sesshomaru. I'll probably meet with Inuyasha again, we'll most likely cross paths again. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you and Inuyasha Kikyo. I'm sorry I'm the daughter to a woman bound to destroy anyone who get's in our way to our goal. I wish I didn't have to kill you to get you out of my way. Maybe this is the best for both you and I. What will I do Kikyo? Inuyasha and the others want the jewel too, but for what purpose? I don't want to kill them if their goal is to keep it. 

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