Reunite With Sorrow

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I was sitting in the travelers house holding my sword in front of me when I caught Inuyasha's sent. "I didn't expect them so soon." I sneezed and sighed. This place smells awful. I don't know why I stopped here. Oh well. This place will have to do. I heard the villagers talking to Kagome outside the house as I pulled out my sword and began cleaning my sword. The door opened and everyone froze in the doorway at seeing me. "Azuki? What are you doing here?" I sheathed my sword putting everything down. "I could ask you the same. I am merely traveling. I thought I would stop here for the night. I guess I should have kept going." I stood up just as Inuyasha started walking fast across the floor. He grabbed my arm turning me towards him glaring at me. "Why did you leave Azuki?! Why!? You did nothing wrong! If it's about Kikyo it isn't your fault!" I glared at him. "And what!? It's yours? I don't think so. Kikyo died because she had to. It's best this way Inuyasha. The jewel is almost complete and then what? Things are changing. There are things that you can't understand that I must do." He grabbed my other arm holding my upper arms tightly. "Tell me! What am I not understanding?! Does Sesshomaru know what it is you're hiding?! He does doesn't he!?" I glared intensely at him. "Non of this concerns Sesshomaru at the moment! Things are getting out of hand Inuyasha. Things I can't keep in control. What will you do once the jewel is whole? Will you all fight over it? Only one may posses it. It is only one jewel. A jewel that powerful will cause greed." Inuyasha shook his head. "You're changing things! What are you hiding!? What are you!?" I sighed looking at the floor. "Inuyasha, if I were to tell you the tale behind my identity I can only tell you. Though, at this moment. Because of the current situation, that isn't possible. I love you Inuyasha I truly do, but It's because I love you that I must stray from you and hide to protect you." Inuyasha pulled me to him in a tight embrace. "I don't care anymore. Please Azuki. I don't care what you are, stay with me. I'll take care of you. I'll help you control yourself when you need to. I'll take your torment. Just, stop running." I sighed as I wrapped my arms around him giving up. "Alright." We set up for sleep that night but I just sat in his lap leaning against him as he sat against the wall next to the door while everyone else slept in beds on the floor. I opened my eyes glaring at the door as the sent of the dam flowers got stronger. Shippo started sneezing like crazy and started having a runny nose. Poor boy. Inuyasha and I looked out the door a bit to watch the villagers. I frowned as vines started to wrap around the villagers and the flowers started to glow. Everyone gathered around the door and we watched for a minute thinking about how to handle the sittuation. Miroku flung the door open throwing sutras at them. Surprizingly they worked. We all ran outside and examined the villagers to see they had turned to soil. I looked up to see a man standing in front of us. "Who the hell are you?" I looked over at the villagers as they had said he was the flower prince. "Flower prince?" "You all seem to be upset." I narrowed my eyes at him as he spoke to the villagers. "Yes, it is because we were unable to become soil." I growled at him but Inuyasha was the one to yell. "You bastard! What have you done to these people!?" "I have simply offered them peace and tranquility." flower petals started flying around and I took my tie off holding onto the Tamashi No Kyushu by its sheath as I tore my sash and ran over to Yone and Shina tieing it around their mouths. "Everyone! Don't breath it in!" Inuyasha shouted. I covered my nose with my hand as I stood up and jumped over to Inuyasha. I looked over as Sango passed out from an illusion. "The poor girl. The pain of her brother has driven her to madness. She will be an excellent addition to my collection." Vines started to go after her and Miroku cut at them. I bent down in front of Yone and Shina. "Girls, put these on." I held out two rings. "Don't take them off. Once you do, they will vanish. They only work once." They nodded putting the rings on. I looked over as I heard Inuyasha use the wind scar. "Is that blood?" I sighed. "It seems Inuyasha wounded him. I'm going after him. You all stay here. Especially you Inuyasha. Your suffering to much grief making you to vulnerable." Inuyasha glared at me. "What about you!? You suffer all the dam time! I'm not letting you go alone!" I sighed taking off anyway. Inuyasha took off after me with Kagome on his back. We stopped at a castle. "Welcome to my humble abode. If you've come to apologize for your violent behavior don't bother. I've studied you well. I can feel your sorrow. The fresh grief through the vines." Vines rose wrapping around Inuyasha's legs but shot up grabbing my arms and legs. "And you, Azuki Nakimuro. You have suffered greatly and won't let yourself move on. You are always trying to find a way to make yourself at tone for the acts you have done, but nothing is ever enough. Your guilt, sorrow, grief, and pain. It's all so powerful. You'll be my greatest gift. You can be forgiven by those you've slaughtered. You can walk with your mother once again." Inuyasha and I were dragged in a red liquid before I passed out.

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