Good Riddance Moryomaru

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I sat with the others as we spoke to Totosai. I sighed at Inuyasha for his arrogance. "Inuyasha you don't want to end up with wounds like mine. You best be careful how you handle the Tetsaiga." I looked at my Jinsoku and sighed before looking at Totosai. "Hey Totosai. Here." I pulled Jinsoku out of my waist wrap sheath and all and handed it to him. "What? What is this for? Don't you like the sword? I thought you were handling it quite well?" I sighed looking down. "Things are going bad for me Totosai. I can't keep it. It will be of no use to me soon. It will also injure me very badly just by being on me for to much longer." He nodded. "I see. It is a sword with your human power and demon power in it. It was never meant to fight very powerful demons unless you built it to." I nodded giving him the sword. "Though, the Tamashi No Kyushu, it seems you hold that sword with dignity and pride. I hope you don't get carried away with it." I shook my head. "Of course not. This sword was made for greatness and to match any of the Nakimuro families abilities. Each ability we activate with it all depends on our will and strength. I may never be as strong as my mother was but I will fight to protect the ones I care for." He nodded before turning to Inuyasha and started explaining who he needed to find to help him train. I blanked them out as I usually do and stared at the ground. I need to find a way to get ahold of the jewel. Maybe if I had taken the jewel from Kagome. Naraku won't hurt me. He has use for me. Though at the moment I want nothing to do with any of those shenanigans. Mother left me with a task that she can no longer fulfill. Now I must find a way to do it. My sword can open the gateway. I just need my target. I was taken out of my thoughts as Inuyasha picked me up. "What?" He placed me on his lap as he sat on Totosai's animal. So we're leaving now huh? It took a while, this thing being so slow but we got there. We got off of it when we heard a cry for help. Inuyasha and I ran first throwing a panel to the side and walked into a flower realm, though there were giant flowers here too. We looked up to see something, maybe someone fluttering like a cloth in the wind dropped over a stem. Yone jumped up helping him with Shina following. He led us to his home and we sat down listening to him give us his thanks. I sighed in irritation as he told Inuyasha he couldn't train him. He told us his reasoning was that his organs was taken from him by a demon. Great, my first time with them and we're already demon hunting. Oh well, at least I get to have a bit of fun. We ran out to search for his organs as requested but the village was now swarmed with demons. Inuyasha went to attack them but Kagome told him to sit. I flinched as he smacked into the ground. "I gotta find you a way to get rid of those." He turned to me with a glare. "You're telling me!" He got up and the spirit got told us that the villagers had transformed due to the dark ora surrounding the area. Inuyasha and I took off but his Tetsaiga wad instantly covered in a chain. He was told it was so he couldn't senselessly use it. Every time he his a demon from no reason another chain was added. Some kid called us over and we were pulled into some small castle. He spoke about his mother being ill but Inuyasha just kicked the doors down. I face palmed at seeing another demon. Why do we fall for these stupid traps? I jumped out of the way as she blew Sango and Miroku away. Kagome was trapped by another demon and I sighed. I pulled out my Tamashi No Kyushu and held it at my side letting the blade swirl with flames in the blade. I cut kagome loose and the demon cried out in pain. "Enjoy burning in hell demon." I turned to see Inuyasha had just freed himself. He walked over to us as I nodded at him. I sheathed my sword and we took off running back to where we started where it used to be a flower garden. A demon laughed at us and I just glared at his as he threw the spirit God at us all tied up. Inuyasha lashed at the demon striking in the same spot a few times. I shielded him from the poisonous gas that was thrown at him by the demon and Inuyasha turned around taking off towards Kagome. "Kagome! Drop dish rag!" I raised an eyebrow at his strange name for him. I turned around as Inuyasha slashed the air and the demon faded away. The air cleared and everything turned more peaceful. The flower garden came back as well. Sango and Miroku came through the entrance announcing that everything was normal once again. I looked over to see the spirit God in a full body and not flimsy any longer. I shook my head at Inuyasha as he got irritated at the spirit God until he explained that it was all training. I turned away from them as the spirit god explained what all happened through the training. Sango called out to me but I just waved at her as I kept walking. "I'll follow her." Miroku and Sango nodded at Yone. Yone chased after me as I left the garden. I walked out of the village to the entrance before stopping and staring at the sky. I put my hand on my Tamashi No Kyushu and tightened my grip. I lowered my head and sighed. "Lady Azuki, is there a problem?" I turned to her and smiled softly as I let go of my sword. "No. Everything's fine. Why did you follow me?" She gave me a false smile but answered nonetheless. "I thought I would see what was wrong. You seemed bothered by something." I frowned turning away from her. "Times are changing Yone. You will grow into a fine woman one day yourself. Please, do me a favor." She nodded. "Yes mam?" I glared at the sky with guilt. "Stay out of my reach when the time comes. You'll know what I mean when it is time." She just looked at me confused.

~Time Skip~

We set out to see a tree in don't remember the name of because it was to complex. Though when we found it Kagome said it had a jewel shard in it. I glared as Naraku appeared in front of it. I grabbed Inuyasha by the shoulder of his cloak and pulled him to me after he used the wind scar. "You idiot! I don't know when you're gonna get it through your thick skull that doesn't work!" He just glared at me. "Doesn't hurt to try!" Naraku chuckled at us as he absorbed the demon tree. I growled as he fled. We all chased after him ending up at a cliff side. The whole bottom though was covered in miasma. I looked up glaring at Naraku as he floated after being ripped to shreds by Moryomaru. I looked at Moryomaru examining him as they spoke about him having Naraku's heart. I scrunched my face in disgust as Naraku took on a new form and attacked Moryomaru but it was futile. I looked over at Inuyasha and sighed. "Are we really just going to stand here and watch them try to better each other and absorb each other?" Inuyasha sighed his head leaning to the side a bit. I looked over to see Naraku covering Moryomaru with his flesh. I glared over at Koga as Kagome shouted at him to not be here. Honestly, he's only making matters worse and harder. "Dam it wolf! Get the hell out of here! Your only going to get yourself killed! If you're looking for an early grave I can give it to you!" I raised a fist at him and he only scoffed at me making me more pissed. I crossed my arms watching as Moryomaru threw adamant at him. All he could do was dodge it. "Stupid wolf." I shook my head at Inuyasha as  he threw an Adamant barrage at him. I sighed tilting my head to the side. "Sometimes I wonder why I put up with idiots." I grabbed my sword walking over to Inuyasha as he was explaining something to Koga. I glared at them as they took off. I ran after them as Moryomaru flew after them throwing Adamant at them. I jumped onto higher ground as Inuyasha did. I watched him jump down using his dragon scaled Tetsaiga. I jumped down slicing the tentacles that went after Koga. "Get out of here wolf! You're only getting in the way! Besides, your the target! Only an idiot stays when their the target!" "Your one to talk Azuki! Naraku's been after you since day one!" I glared back at Inuyasha. "You're not helping!" I ran over to Koga throwing him and was almost practically dragging him to get away from more tentacles that was sent our way. We were struck down and captured fast as Koga instantly stopped moving though. "Dam it wolf!" I fought to and fro to get out of Moryomaru's grasp. Inuyasha kept calling out to me. I wish Inuyasha could grab my sword to use it. Wait a minute. Sesshomaru has my blood flowing through him, he could use it. He isn't here though. I looked over to see Inuyasha trapped as well. I watched Koga attack Inuyasha with his lighting attack of whatever it was. Inuyasha attacked Moryomaru but Moryomaru let out miasma. I was completely held down, so I couldn't cover my mouth. I started coughing as I tried not to breath it in. Koga instantly passed out and Inuyasha was trying to get him free. "Azuki! Are you alright?!" I glared at Inuyasha. "Don't worry about me! Get him out of here! Naraku can't get what he's been wanting out of me anymore! I'm of no use to him anymore!" Inuyasha was struck away from Moryomaru and a sacred arrow struck him. Koga and I were pulled closely to Moryomaru as he flew off. I started to pass out  but I had to fight with myself. Moryomaru soon started being covered halfway in adamant. I was pulled into Naraku's arm as he took form. "Koga, your body will be absorbed and your jewel shards will be mine at last. Azuki, You no longer have the fight in you. I'm supposing something happened to you. We will find out though won't we?" I glared at him through my half closed eyes. "You. Bastard." Inuyasha glared up at Naraku. "You let her go!" Koga burst out of his adamant arm which distracted him. I shoved Naraku away as best I could but it was all I needed. I closed my eyes as I fell. I heard Miroku open his wind tunnel afterwards. Miroku, you're such an idiot. Blood flew out of my mouth as my back hit the ground. I turned over wiping my mouth panting a bit. I struggled to my feet and wobbled a bit as I struggled to stay up. I jumped up the cliff and watched as the wind tunnel stopped. I could smell Miroku's blood. I hurried as fast as I could and when I got there I rushed over. I got onto my knees panting. "He's in pretty bad shape. Isn't he?" Kikyo nodded at my raspy answer. "You must be healed yourself." I shook my head. I'll be fine. I just need rest." Yone and Shina looked at me with worry. "Lady Azuki please let us heal you." I smiled softly at Shina. "It's alright Shina. I said I'd be fine." I got up shakily. Inuyasha went to grab my hand but I just moved it out of his reach. "Azuki, why are you being distant?" I shook my head. "It's nothing. Let's go." I walked with them as we walked off into the woods until night time to rest. I fell to the side as I started to loose consciousness. I felt Inuyasha catch me but I paid it no mind. This miasma is spreading into my wounds. It's also messing with my demon side. It's bad enough I'm fighting with it already. How long must I fight to keep everyone in the dark before I must run?

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