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You were sitting in your bed listening to Teddy talk about where the weapons could be.
"Can't we just look where the buyers are? They're probably in Germany" you asked.

"They don't have the weapons, they were planning on selling them too" Teddy sighed "for more money"

"We could just ask them!" You stood up and raised your hand.

"It's not that easy, Y/N" Paul mumbled.

"Yeah, I'm gonna have to hack into their computers or... email" Teddy closed his eyes and yawned "We could just brake into their house though"

"I'm trying to get away from jail" you heard your phone ring "I'll be right back"

"Y/N!" You heard your sister's voice through the phone.

"Dyvia! How are you?!" You smiled.

"I'm in New York" she said.

"Oh! Are you with Mom and Dad? Did you came here for vacation?" You asked her feeling a little conflicted.

"I'm by myself... I'm at the hospital" her voice was shaking "i texted you which hospital"

"I'll be right there" you gasped and hung up on her "hey guys i have to go"

"Why?" Paul arched his eyebrow.

"My sister's at the hospital" you said as you grabbed your car keys "see ya"

You bursted into the hospital asking for your sister's location. You were a little more calm when you heard that she had just been discharged.
When you turned around you almost fainted, she was holding a baby. A newborn baby in her arms as she looked at you with a smile.

"Let's go" you decided to talk about it in your apartment.

Once you arrived you instantly felt a migraine. You processed the situation and started talking.
"I can't believe you did this" you sat down "You're 15 years old Dyvia!"

"I know Y/N" she mumbled.

"And why are you in New York?!" you pinched the bridge of your nose and took a deep breath.

"I've been on a trip for three months, like a camp... we go to cool places and stuff" she explained.

"So our parents don't know about this?" You snarled.

"No... i came here because i need you to take care of him, it's just two weeks!" She looked at you with puppy eyes.

"So you came here with a newborn baby expecting me to take care of him while you do what?! Find the father? Run away?" Everything felt so sour at this moment, you felt like you were going to have a heart attack "i havd work Dyvia! I can't take care of a baby and what are you gonna do?!"

"Just... give it up for adoption" she sighed "i know i made a mistake but this is the only thing i can do right now"

"First of all he's not an object and second of all! Are you gonna tell Mom and Dad?" You asked her as you held the baby in your arms.

"Yes! I just have to figure this out... please Y/N" she looked hopeless.

"You have two weeks to tell them or I'm gonna get involved" you grumbled  and sat down "what am i gonna do with a baby?"

"Give him formula, I've been pumping  so you can alternate between that..." she showed you her baby bag "i promise i will fix this"

"Fine, but i swear you owe me big time young lady" you complained "i can't believe my little sister had kid before i did"

"It's gonna be okay, it's only two weeks" Dyvia kissed your cheek and picked up her handbag "my plane leaves in two hours so... i should head back, here is the stroller and i bought some clothes too so you can... you know"

"I know Dyvia it's not my first time taking care of a baby" you rolled your eyes "Just go, I'll be fine"

"Thank you so much! I love you" she smiled widely and opened the door "see you in two weeks!"

"I guess is just you and me now" you looked down at the baby in your arms "do you even have a name?".

You always believed everything happened for a reason but this felt like the universe was against you. Everything was just too much for you to handle and even though that baby was adorable you couldn't help but to feel bad, you saw yourself in him. The irresponsible mother, him not being wanted and much more.

Days Later●

Bucky was in your house looking for any evidence but there was nothing. After a while he got tired and sat on your couch watching you sleeping in your room.
You heard the baby cry and jumped off the bed to see him. Bucky froze.
"Shhh it's fine little baby" you mumbled as you held him in your arms and giggled "god you're so tiny"
You walked to the kitchen and saw Bucky sitting there, for some reason it didn't surprise you.
"Looking for evidence?" You asked as you warmed up the milk.

"You- you" he stuttered "You have a baby"

"It's my nephew" you laughed at his face "Did you really thought it was mine? Or did you thought it was yours? You do know it takes nine months to have a baby right?"

"Ugh just shut up" he rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry, if it was yours you would know" you giggled "it would have a metal arm"

"I wasn't born with the metal arm you know?" He growled and walked over to you.

"You have to stop breaking into my apartment" you mumbled "i do enjoy the view in the morning though... until you open your mouth"

"You're not a sweetheart either" he spat out.

"At least I'm not a psycho" you smirked.

"I fucking hate you" he mumbled.

"The door is big" you sighed "I'm going back to sleep"

You walked back to your bedroom and fell asleep with the baby on your arms. Bucky was admiring every inch of you, even though he 'hated you' he couldn't deny how beautiful you were.
"God stop thinking about that" Bucky mentally slapped himself and left your apartment.

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